Elbow Pain
Somewhere between the shoulder joint, which provides our arm with the vast majority of its movement, and the hand, which gives us such incredible fine motor control, lies the elbow joint. Although it doesn’t have a real claim to fame (apart from the funny bone that’s actually not that funny) it isn’t without its own fair share of ailments and injuries. This simple little hinge joint, which actually brings together 3 bones, gets a bit tired of all the work expected from it, resulting in the most frequent ailment coming from repetitive use. Check out these common injuries that are main culprits of what cause's elbow pain:

Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a common condition characterised by pain and tenderness on the outside of the elbow. Despite its name, you don’t have to play tennis to develop this condition. It commonly affects individuals who engage in repetitive wrist and arm motions, such as using a computer mouse, gardening, or playing certain musical instruments. The common extensor muscles of the wrist are usually tight in this condition and pull on their insertion point (called an enthesopathy) on the bottom, outside of the humerus (upper arm) bone, causing inflammation and pain.
Tennis elbow is primarily caused by overuse of the forearm muscles and tendons, leading to inflammation and micro-tears in the tendons that attach to the lateral epicondyle of the elbow. Activities that involve repetitive gripping, lifting, or twisting motions can contribute to this condition.

Natural Solutions:
- Rest: Allow the affected arm to rest and avoid activities that exacerbate the pain. If you can't rest it, (ie. your job involves gripping, or typing etc.) the elbow brace suggestion is a must!
- Elbow Brace: A correctly designed tennis elbow brace, creates a new fulcrum point for the wrist extensor muscles giving them a chance to heal. It is to be worn about 1 inch below the pain point, with the pad on the outside of the forearm. Please note, thick elbow braces do NOT work.
- Ice Therapy: Apply ice packs to the affected area to reduce inflammation and numb the pain. Use a wrap-on ice pack for optimal compression and hands-free application. Please note, if you have the therapeutic ultrasound, there is no need to ice. The Ultrasound is much more effective.
- Dry Needling: Getting a trained professional to do dry needling over the common wrist extensors is an extremely quick way to take pressure off the muscles that are the root cause of tennis elbow.
- Vacuum Cupping: Tension in the common wrist extensors must be reduced to get long term resolution from tennis elbow. Apply vacuum cupping to release tension in the forearm muscles, promote circulation, and alleviate pain.
- Therapeutic Ultrasound: Use the therapeutic ultrasound diurectly over the painful insertion point, just above the elbow, to reduce pain and inflammation and promote healing. The ultrasound treatment can be extended over the muscle too, if it is causing pain.
- Dr Kez Trio of Creams: Apply these creams directly to the insertion point and along the common extensor muscles (on the outside of the forearm) to soothe muscles, help the enthesopathy to heal, reduce inflammation, and increase blood flow to accelerate healing.
- Gentle Exercises: Once the acute pain subsides, perform gentle stretching and strengthening exercises to improve flexibility and strengthen the forearm muscles is advised for long term resolution and prevention of recurrence.

Golfer’s elbow, or medial epicondylitis, is a condition characterised by pain and tenderness on the inside of the elbow. Similar to tennis elbow, it is not exclusive to golfers and can affect anyone who performs repetitive wrist and forearm motions. The common flexor muscles of the wrist are usually tight in this condition and pull on their insertion point (called an enthesopathy) on the bottom, inside of the humerus (upper arm) bone, causing inflammation and pain.
Golfer’s elbow is caused by overuse of the forearm muscles and tendons that attach to the medial epicondyle of the elbow. Activities such as swinging a golf club, hammering, or lifting weights can lead to this condition.
Natural Solutions:
- Rest: Allow the affected arm to rest and avoid activities that exacerbate the pain. If you can't rest it, (ie. your job involves gripping, or typing etc.) the elbow brace suggestion is a must!
- Elbow Brace: A correctly designed tennis elbow brace, creates a new fulcrum point for the wrist flexor muscles giving them a chance to heal. It is to be worn about 1 inch below the pain point, with the pad on the inside of the forearm. Please note, thick elbow braces do NOT work.
- Ice Therapy: Apply ice packs to the affected area to reduce inflammation and numb the pain. Use a wrap-on ice pack for optimal compression and hands-free application. Please note, if you have the therapeutic ultrasound, there is no need to ice. The Ultrasound is much more effective.
- Dry Needling: Dry needling over the common wrist flexors on the inside of the forearm is the fastest way to take pressure off the muscles that cause of Golfer's elbow. Needless to say, this is to be done by a trained profession. For more information on this check out the treatment section below.

- Vacuum Cupping: Tension in the common wrist extensors must be reduced to get long term resolution from tennis elbow. Apply vacuum cupping to release tension in the forearm muscles, promote circulation, and alleviate pain.
- Therapeutic Ultrasound: Use the therapeutic ultrasound diurectly over the painful insertion point, just above the elbow, to reduce pain and inflammation and promote healing. The ultrasound treatment can be extended over the muscle too, if it is causing pain.
- Dr Kez Trio of Creams: Apply these creams directly to the insertion point and along the common extensor muscles (on the outside of the forearm) to soothe muscles, help the enthesopathy to heal, reduce inflammation, and increase blood flow to accelerate healing.
- Gentle Exercises: Once the acute pain subsides, perform gentle stretching and strengthening exercises to improve flexibility and strengthen the forearm muscles is advised for long term resolution and prevention of recurrence.

Cubital tunnel syndrome occurs when the ulnar nerve, which passes through a narrow tunnel on the inside of the elbow (the cubital tunnel), becomes compressed or irritated. This condition can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the ring and little fingers, and weakness in the hand.
Cubital tunnel syndrome is often caused by prolonged pressure on the elbow, repetitive bending of the elbow, or direct trauma to the area. Activities that involve resting the elbow on hard surfaces or keeping the elbow bent for long periods can contribute to this condition.

Natural Solutions:
- Avoid Pressure: Avoid leaning on the elbows or placing prolonged pressure on the area.
- Use a Splint: Wear a splint at night to keep the elbow in a straight position and reduce nerve compression.
- Vacuum Cupping: Use vacuum cupping on the triceps and biceps to release tight muscles around the elbow and improve circulation.
- Gentle Exercises: Perform nerve gliding exercises to help the ulnar nerve move smoothly through the cubital tunnel. (Copy the picture to the right on how to floss the ulnar nerve). Follow this up with your trio of creams and Therapeutic Ultrasound.
- Therapeutic Ultrasound: Apply therapeutic ultrasound to the inside of the elbow to reduce inflammation and to help heal the irritation to the nerve.
- Trio of Creams: Apply these creams to reduce inflammation, support nerve health and increase circulation for healing.

Elbow bursitis, or olecranon bursitis, is the inflammation of the bursa—a small fluid-filled sac that cushions the elbow joint. This condition can cause pain, swelling, and warmth in the affected area (basically the pointy tip of the elbow).
Bursitis is often caused by repetitive motions or prolonged pressure on the elbow. It can also result from direct trauma, infection, or underlying conditions such as arthritis. Try the following natural, at home solutions, but if the pain and inflammation persists see your GP

Natural Solutions:
- Rest: Avoid activities that put pressure on the elbow to allow the bursa to heal.
- Ice Therapy: Apply ice packs to the affected area to reduce inflammation and numb the pain. Use a wrap-on ice pack for optimal compression and hands-free application. Please note, if you have the therapeutic ultrasound, there is no need to ice. The Ultrasound is much more effective.
- Therapeutic Ultrasound: Utilise therapeutic ultrasound directly over the swollen bursa to decrease inflammation and promote healing. If you have the trio of creams, use the Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion and Bone Aid Relief Cream over the bursa on the skin first and then use the gel and ultrasound on the pulsed setting for the best results. Reapply all 3 creams once you wipe off the gel.
- Trio of Creams: Use these creams to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation and provide the building blocks for healing the bursa, directly where it is needed most.
- Vacuum Cupping: Tight muscles can lead to extra tension over bursae in our body, resulting in inflammation, which is called bursitis. Using the vacuum cupping set to relieve muscle tension, reduces pressure on the olecranon bursitis, helping to resolve the condition faster.

An olecranon fracture involves a break in the olecranon, the bony prominence at the tip of the elbow. This condition usually results from a direct blow or trauma to the elbow, such as a fall or collision.
Olecranon fractures are typically caused by direct impact to the elbow, leading to immediate pain, swelling, and difficulty in moving the joint.

Natural Solutions:
- Immobilisation: Use a splint or cast to keep the elbow immobilised and allow the bone to heal.
- Trio of Creams: Apply these three creams to the area of fracture to assist the healing of the bone and to reduce the pain and inflammation in the surrounding tissues. The active ingredients in these creams have been specifically chosen to provide the building blocks required for bone and soft tissue repair and the ingredients in Heativate® Relief Cream increase the blood flow to the underlying area, which is pertinent for healing.
- Therapeutic Ultrasound: Use the therapeutic ultrasound to increase the vibrational energy in the area of the fracture to help stimulate bone and surrounding soft tissue healing. It will also assist with reducing inflammation and pain. For the best results, apply the Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion and Bone Aid Relief Creams first to provide the building blocks that the body needs to repair the bones and surrounding damage to the soft tissues, before applying the gel and using the ultrasound on the pulsed setting.
- Dry Needling: Dry needling of the triceps is a great way to relief the pull from the triceps on the damage olecranon. Needless to say, this needs to be done by a professional, not at home!
- Vacuum Cupping: Use the vacuum cupping set to relieve muscle tension, and relieve the pull on the damaged olecranon and to improve blood flow for more effective healing.
- Gentle Exercises: After the fracture has healed, perform gentle exercises to restore range of motion and strength.

How Can I Treat Elbow Pain At Home?
We hope that’s helped you know what you’re treating so the next step is to get some tips on how to treat those pesky elbow conditions at home. Here are some of our favourite ways!

Therapeutic Ultrasound For The Elbow
It’s time to alleviate the inflammation and pain in your sore elbow using the power of Therapeutic Ultrasound! Using a Therapeutic Ultrasound for your elbow pain is like having a Chiro in your home, giving professional results. Whether it’s Golfer’s or Tennis elbow, an Olecranon fracture, bursitis or cubital tunnel syndrome they’ll all be loving the benefits of this incredible device. The high-frequency sound waves of the Ultrasound, penetrate deep into the tissues, providing a myriad of benefits. Say ta-ta to pain as the Ultrasound waves help soothe inflammation, reduce swelling, and promote faster healing. Enhancing blood flow to the elbow, which brings vital nutrients and oxygen to the affected area, helps speed up recovery. Don't let your elbow condition hold you back – unlock the transformative benefits of therapeutic ultrasound and reclaim your arm’s full strength and mobility! To read more and watch a video on how it works click HERE

Can I Do Vacuum Cupping For Elbow Pain?
Say hello to at-home Vacuum Cupping, an easy and effective way to release tension in those tight forearm muscles that lead to Golfers, Tennis Elbow and bursitis! This ancient therapy has been made so much more convenient with the modern-day vacuum pump application that gives greater control to these smaller muscles, helping to give incredibly fast results. The suction from the vacuum cups works wonders in assisting the release of tight muscles, promoting circulation, and helping reduce pain. It's better than a deep tissue massage, giving those stubborn knots the flick, breaking up the muscle adhesions and taking pressure off the tendon insertion points for healing to take place. So, say farewell to forearm tightness that leads to elbow pain and embrace the therapeutic benefits of Vacuum Cupping. Help restore normal elbow function using a Premium Vacuum Cupping Set HERE and learn more about all this modality can do for your entire body.

Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion / Trauma Relief Cream – these two products are one and the same, they just come in different sizes. The active ingredients provide the building blocks for all soft tissues, ligaments, tendons, muscles, capsules, cartilage, discs and bursae. As a result it is brilliant for bursitis, tendonitis, torn muscles, arthritis and is amazing at helping the body to reduce inflammation and therefore pain.
Bone Aid Relief Cream – the active ingredients assist the body with healing bone, joint and nerve damage. Whether it's a broken bone, bone bruising, a bone spur, nerve pain or neuropathy, bone aid relief has it all under control. It is extremely helpful in reducing pain as well as providing the building blocks for bone and nerve repair.
Heativate® Relief Cream – the active ingredients in this orange tinged cream have been specifically chosen to increase circulation. For healing to take place the body needs two very important things. The first are the building blocks that the body uses to repair damaged tissues (Bone Aid Relief Cream and Kirofix® have this in spades) and the second is adequate blood flow for delivering those building blocks to the area that needs them (that’s Heativate®’s role). The beauty of this product is the more active you are, the harder it works for you. Sitting on the couch you may only notice the pain relieving benefits, but if you get up and start doing housework or a gym workout, or even eat a hot curry, you’ll feel the area heat up as more blood flow is delivered to the underlying tissues.

Should I Wear An Elbow Brace For Tennis & Golfer's Elbow?

As both Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis) and Golfer’s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis) are similar conditions, they can both benefit from using an Elbow Brace.
One of the most difficult things with both of these conditions is resting the arm enough to give the area a chance to completely recover.
This is where the Dr Kez Chirolab® Elbow Brace comes in handy! The narrow EVA foam pad in the Dr Kez ChiroLab® Elbow Brace provides a new anchor point for the muscle, helping to re-direct the stressful forces away from the injury so that it is no longer pulling as much on this inflamed and painful area. This allows for helping to relieve pain and aims to protect the area, helping a faster and more complete healing to take place. Please note that thick/wide elbow braces do not work for this condition, it needs to have a relatively thin foam pad to create the new anchor or fulcrum point to be effective.

To secure one of these elbow braces (recommended by Chiro's), to read more or to watch a video about the Elbow Brace click HERE

Next Level Ice Therapy For A Sore Elbow

Ice, ice, baby! Grab an ice pack or a bag of frozen veggies, wrap it in a towel (we're civilized here), and apply it to your cranky elbow. Wait…what??? That was soooo yesterday!!! If you really want to get the ice therapy working its best for you, check out our Wrap-On-Ice pack to get all the benefits of ice therapy ensuring good compression, without causing an ice burn or having to use freeze your hand off holding the ice pack on. Hands-free ice therapy, just what the doctor (Dr Kez that is!) ordered. Keep it there for 10 minutes and then have at least a 10 minute break, as often as required. Let the coolness soothe that fiery inflammation. Click HERE to see the Wrap-On-Ice Pack…that can also be heated, just sayin’!

Are There Any Natural Anti-Inflammatory Remedies For Elbow Pain?

Mother Nature has a few tricks up her sleeve to help fight inflammation. Apart from using many of these natures anti-inflammatory ingredients in our 100% natural topical Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion, which is one of the creams that make up our powerhouse trio of creams (as mentioned above), there are many other natural ingredients that our medicinal nutritionist has selected to include in our oral whole food PlantEm Essentials FixEm Anti-Inflammatory powder. Selecting natural whole foods renowned for reducing inflammation and adding them together at therapeutic levels to encourage the body to address the inflammation from the inside is what makes this holistic approach even more effective. Creams with anti-inflammatory properties on the outside, directly over the elbow, and easily absorbed whole foods powdered for your convenience to address inflammation from the inside. A dual approach that has inflammation running a mile. Turmeric is the hero product of Em's FixEm Anti-Inflammatory powder. not only has an extremely strong grade of turmeric been selected, but it has been carefully mixed with Pepperine and Coconut to ensure maximum bioavailability for the best possible results. 1 scoop in water daily and the results will impress you.

Should I See A Chiro For Elbow Pain?
Although we've given some great suggestions to help heal those niggly elbow conditions at home, if relief doesn't appear quickly, it's definitely worth consulting with a practitioner. Speaking from my clinical experience, I see many patients that have been putting up with painful elbow conditions for months or even years, with no resolution. Aligning the joints and being able to add therapeutic treatments like dry needling makes for very rapid recovery. Keep in mind if your budget hasn't allowed you to acquire a therapeutic ultrasound or cupping set, these modalities can be used on you during your consultation also. In fact, the ultrasound and cupping sets that we have made available for purchase to use in your own homes, are exactly the same as the models I use on my patients.
To book a Telehealth or an in-clinic appointment with Dr Kez at Life Balance Adjustments, located in the Watsonia/Greensborough area Vic, click on the image below.
Hopefully these tips will help you recover faster from your elbow injury. It is our mission to help as many people as possible live happy, pain-free lives, so please do us a favour, if you know someone suffering from an ongoing ailment, please right click and copy link address (if you're on your computer) or hold your finger over the image and copy link (if you're on your phone) to share our conditions page, so that they can search for their ailment or injury and get some at home tips to help them on their Therapeutic Journey. Happy Healing!