Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser

$58.00 $68.00
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This Essential Oil Aroma Diffuser with ultrasonic cool mist, warm light, unique marble grain appearance & waterless auto shut off, is the perfect addition to your Aromatherapy collection!

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Aroma Diffuser 

This Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser with ultrasonic cool intermittent/continuous mist, warm light, unique marble grain appearance & waterless auto shut off, is the perfect addition to your Aromatherapy collection. 

The diffuser comes with no oil but we have some in our store that are amazing! Add one to your cart as an extra treat for yourself and benefit from the amazing aromas. 


Choose from our AROMATHERAPY range:

CALM 100% Pure Essential Oil Blend contains: 
Rose Geranium, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Lavender & Rose. Yep...real Rose!!! 🌹 

SLEEP 100% Pure Essential Oil Blend contains: 
Bergamot, Lavender , Clary Sage & Roman Chamomile.

IMMUNE 100% Pure Essential Oil Blend contains: 
Lemon Myrtle, Tea Tree, Rosemary & Eucalyptus.

FOCUS 100% Pure Essential Oil Blend contains: 
Lemon, Rosemary, Cedarwood & Basil.

SINUS 100% Pure Essential Oil Blend contains:
Menthol, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Rosemary, Peppermint, Thyme & Frankincense

HEADACHE 100% Pure Essential Oil Blend contains:
Lemon Myrtle, Roman Chamomile, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Rose Geranium & Lavender

HAY FEVER 100% Pure Essential Oil Blend contains:
Rosemary, Peppermint, Lavender, Caraway, Clove & Sandalwood (OMG this smells like a Christmas candy cane!)

Do not ingest or apply essential oils directly to the skin. Avoid contact with eyes.  Keep away from children. Pregnancy or those with a health issue seek medical advice before use. Store oils in a dark place below 30°C.


About this Product:

Aroma Diffuser 

This Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser with ultrasonic cool intermittent/continuous mist, warm light, unique marble grain appearance & waterless auto shut off, is the perfect addition to your Aromatherapy collection. 

The diffuser comes with no oil but we have some in our store that are amazing! Add one to your cart as an extra treat for yourself and benefit from the amazing aromas. 


Choose from our AROMATHERAPY range:

CALM 100% Pure Essential Oil Blend contains: 
Rose Geranium, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Lavender & Rose. Yep...real Rose!!! 🌹 

SLEEP 100% Pure Essential Oil Blend contains: 
Bergamot, Lavender , Clary Sage & Roman Chamomile.

IMMUNE 100% Pure Essential Oil Blend contains: 
Lemon Myrtle, Tea Tree, Rosemary & Eucalyptus.

FOCUS 100% Pure Essential Oil Blend contains: 
Lemon, Rosemary, Cedarwood & Basil.

SINUS 100% Pure Essential Oil Blend contains:
Menthol, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Rosemary, Peppermint, Thyme & Frankincense

HEADACHE 100% Pure Essential Oil Blend contains:
Lemon Myrtle, Roman Chamomile, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Rose Geranium & Lavender

HAY FEVER 100% Pure Essential Oil Blend contains:
Rosemary, Peppermint, Lavender, Caraway, Clove & Sandalwood (OMG this smells like a Christmas candy cane!)

Do not ingest or apply essential oils directly to the skin. Avoid contact with eyes.  Keep away from children. Pregnancy or those with a health issue seek medical advice before use. Store oils in a dark place below 30°C.


Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser Benefits

Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser Device

This handy Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser device offers a natural and safer alternative to air fresheners, especially if you want to take a more active role in your own health. It can fill a room with the natural fragrance from 100% essential oils that will freshen up your home while promoting overall wellness. Soooo much to love and they look amazing!

Along with the amazing aromas, the essential oils will add to your room, they also provide numerous health benefits.  What an excellent way to help reduce stress and anxiety, support a boost in overall health & energy, promote good sleep and instill calm in your life. While there are other methods of using essential oils, the Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser is by far the easiest and longest-lasting way of them all.

Have a diffuser ready to go, with the touch of a button, at the office to help you FOCUS, and one for when you get home from work in the evening.  One of the best and most well-known uses for essential oils is their ability to help you unwind at the end of a hard day and what better scent to use than CALM! Of course, if you are after a good night's SLEEP, this is a great way to achieve exactly that by using our SLEEP blend. With an auto-off switch, automatically turning off when the diffuser has run out of water, there is nothing for you to worry about!

100% Essential Oil Blends & Benefits

Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser Calm Aromatherapy Ingredients and Benefits

Stress and anxiety have become a significant factor in our fast-paced lives.  This has resulted in an increase in stress related health issues, which negatively affect both our mental and physical well-being.  Whether its deadlines at work, financial responsibilities, moving house, or just an accumulation of lots of little things, your body releases stress hormones that, over a prolonged period of time, can have an adverse effect on your entire system.  Stress can lead to us having a short fuse, poor memory, cloudy thinking, low energy, headaches, low sex drive, a lowered immune system, and an inability to sleep effectively.  All things we need to avoid being the best versions of ourselves possible!!!

Aromatherapy has been used since ancient times to promote feelings of relaxation and calm.   Inhaling pure essential oils can help to alleviate stress, insomnia and depression.  This natural solution works by stimulating areas within the brain that are responsible for our emotions.  

Our aroma essential oil diffuser Aromatherapy CALM blend has six 100% pure essential oils, specifically selected to release negative emotions, calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety.  Further information on each of the ingredients is listed below:

Rose Geranium

  • Beneficial in reducing feelings of stress, anxiety, sadness, fatigue and tension resulting.
  • Enhances feelings of overall well-being and relaxation.
  • May be helpful in offering relief to those suffering from insomnia.
  • Great remedy for reducing physical and mental stress.
  • Brings balance to hormones and emotions.


  • Diminishes feelings of stress and anxiety.
  • Improves concentration and memory.
  • Stimulates the immune system.

Ylang Ylang

  • Promotes feelings of comfort and joy.
  • Reduces heart rate, improves your mood and promotes relaxation.
  • Inhaling Ylang Ylang can help release negative emotions, reduce stress and act as a natural anxiety and depression remedy.


  • Enhances energy flow within our body.
  • May be beneficial as an anti-depressant due to its mood enhancing qualities.
  • Promotes feelings of joy, freshness and energy.
  • Aids in bringing hormones back into balance.


  • Relieves stress, anxiety and headaches.
  • Calms the nerves, reduces restlessness and improves sleep quality.
  • Lowers blood pressure and heart rate.


  • Relieves stress and anxiety, while relaxing your mind and body.
  • Particularly beneficial during times of high stress, grief and depression.
  • Great for soothing emotions, headaches and balancing hormones.

Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser Sleep Aromatherapy Ingredients and Benefits 

Poor sleep quality can come in various forms, from difficulty getting off to sleep to waking up multiple times during the night.  The end result is all the same, spending the next day feeling tired, unrefreshed, and having a lack of energy.  The worst thing about poor sleep quality, is that it adds to the stress experienced within your body.  In turn, the presence of these stress hormones then adversely affects your ability to sleep soundly, creating a self-perpetuating cycle.  At times this cycle needs assistance to be broken.

Aromatherapy has been used since ancient times to promote feelings of relaxation and calm.   Inhaling pure essential oils can help to alleviate stress, insomnia and depression.  This natural solution works by stimulating areas within the brain that are responsible for our emotions, as well as having an effect on our hormonal system.  

Our Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser Aromatherapy Sleep Blend has four 100% pure essential oils, specifically selected to improve sleep quality by releasing stress and inducing the physiological changes that naturally accompany good quality sleep.   Further information on each of the ingredients is listed below:


  • Calming properties
  • Induces the physiological changes that accompany sleep (i.e., decrease heart rate and blood pressure).
  • Reduces the thoughts that keep people up at night.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety.


Calms the nervous system by lowering blood pressure, heart rate and skin temperature (all of the processes which take place during the body’s natural transition to sleep)

  • Alleviates mild insomnia.
  • Sedative effects to help you to fall asleep.
  • Reduces anxious thoughts by altering your brain waves to produce a more relaxed state.
  • Beneficial for depression.

Roman Chamomile 

  • Beneficial in relieving insomnia and anxiety.
  • Can help to reduce nightmares.

Clary Sage 

  • Natural sedative that can provide a calming effect to help you to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • Been shown to reduce the levels of hormones associated with stress, such as cortisol, which could be the key to helping your body to prepare for sleep.

Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser Aromatherapy - Immune 

Illness can occur at any time throughout the year, but as the weather becomes colder, more and more people end up with runny noses, coughs and sneezes, so it is paramount to ensure that your immune system is functioning effectively.    Aromatherapy can help support and reduce the burden on our immune system which is particularly useful when we are feeling run down, stressed or caring for those who are unwell.    Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser Aromatherapy Immune includes four 100% pure essential oils that have anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties.

Chemically active essential oils that have been extracted from plants have been inhaled and used topically for centuries for their pleasant scent, disinfectant properties and their ability to heal.  Today essential oils are used in bath products, massage oils, scented candles and even household cleaners.  Although these products are frequently enjoyed for their great smell and their ability to make you feel pampered and calm, there is growing evidence of their beneficial therapeutic effect on the body.

Lemon Myrtle

  • Powerful antioxidant, anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties.
  • Beneficial in the treatment of throat and skin infections.
  • Uplift’s emotions and has the ability to soothe both mind and body.
  • The combined anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties works exceptionally well for supporting the body to treat sinus and bronchial infections when inhaled.
  • Also possesses relaxing and calming properties, which are beneficial to aid in quality sleep.   Good quality sleep is very important for giving your immune system the time and energy is needs to fight pathogens effectively.

Tea Tree

  • Anti-microbial (against viruses, bacteria and fungi) and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Strengthens and stimulates the immune system to fight off infections.
  • Relieves muscles aches associated with illness.
  • Tea tree oil doesn’t just provide immune support, it is actually an immune system stimulant.
  • Significantly effective against strains of influenza.


  • Anti-microbial action (against bacteria, viruses and fungi).
  • Supports the body to reduce fever.
  • Ability to suppress coughs.
  • Aids in breaking down mucous to make it easier to expectorate.
  • Nervous system stimulant to encourage your body to function at its best.
  • Beneficial in balancing your mood and reducing anxiety.
  • Anti-inflammatory and anti-septic properties.
  • Aids to dilate the respiratory system to make it easier to breathe.


  • One of the best-known remedies for cold and flu.
  • Beneficial as a treatment as well as a preventative.
  • Loosens phlegm and relieves congestion.
  • One study proved the eucalyptus contains 1,8-cineole which has powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties.
  • Another study demonstrated eucalyptus’ anti-bacterial fighting abilities in upper respiratory tract infections, including strains that cause strep.
  • Research has also demonstrated that inhaling eucalyptus also fights the bacteria that causes tuberculosis and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA).
  • A further study highlighted the ability of eucalyptus to boost the immune system by enhancing phagocytic activity against pathogens (this phagocytic activity occurs when key cells of the immune system ingest harmful bacteria, viruses and other foreign particles).

Aromatherapy Focus - Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser 

Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser Aromatherapy Focus is comprised of four 100% pure essential oils that are well known for their ability to boost concentration, focus, clarity, memory and cognitive function.  This powerful blend is not only a mental stimulant, but it also relieves tension and stress as well as calming an overactive mind, aiding in bringing your mind and body into a state that is more conducive to productive work and study.  

An essential oil is a concentrated liquid extracted from a plant.  Plants have unique medicinal properties that when extracted in this way and absorbed through the skin, can have health benefits throughout the body.   The unique health benefits of the different essential oils that make up the Aromatherapy FOCUS blend are highlighted below.  


  • Powerful mental stimulant, promoting productivity.
  • Improves cognitive function.
  • Boost’s concentration and memory.
  • Natural stress relief.
  • Improves cognitive function.


  • Encourages clarity and energizes your thoughts.
  • A study in 2016 demonstrated an increase in memory retention and recall as the result of inhaling rosemary.
  • Stimulates the mind and prevents memory loss.
  • Boost’s concentration and focus.
  • Beneficial in reducing stress levels.


  • Beneficial for students and those in the workplace to assist brain focus.
  • Has the ability to soothe your body and mind to allow your thoughts to become clear.
  • Encourages the mind to slow down to prevent the fast-paced buzz of thoughts that can lead to a lack of productivity and overwhelm.


  • Helps to relieve feelings of tension and stress.
  • Promotes a feeling of focus when studying and working hard.
  • Beneficial for enhancing concentration.
  • Reduces memory loss.

Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser Features & Instructions

Best Aroma Diffuser Features

  • Light
  • Touch Control
  • Continuous or Intermittent Mist
  • Auto Turn-Off
  • 200ml water tank
  • Mist Amount 20-30ml/h
  • Compact and great design 12.3x12.3x12.6cm
  • DC 24V Voltage, 12W Power
  • Made with PP + ABS

Operations & Instruction: 5 Simple Steps

  1. Take cover off Diffuser and set aside.
  2. 2. Plug in the Diffuser
  3. Add water to the 200ml water tank
  4. Add a few drops of your fav essential oil into the water
  5. Replace lid and turn on!

Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser Device

This handy Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser device offers a natural and safer alternative to air fresheners, especially if you want to take a more active role in your own health. It can fill a room with the natural fragrance from 100% essential oils that will freshen up your home while promoting overall wellness. Soooo much to love and they look amazing!

Along with the amazing aromas, the essential oils will add to your room, they also provide numerous health benefits.  What an excellent way to help reduce stress and anxiety, support a boost in overall health & energy, promote good sleep and instill calm in your life. While there are other methods of using essential oils, the Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser is by far the easiest and longest-lasting way of them all.

Have a diffuser ready to go, with the touch of a button, at the office to help you FOCUS, and one for when you get home from work in the evening.  One of the best and most well-known uses for essential oils is their ability to help you unwind at the end of a hard day and what better scent to use than CALM! Of course, if you are after a good night's SLEEP, this is a great way to achieve exactly that by using our SLEEP blend. With an auto-off switch, automatically turning off when the diffuser has run out of water, there is nothing for you to worry about!