Foot, Ankle, and Toe Conditions

Explanation: An ankle sprain is an injury to the ligaments that support the ankle. These ligaments can stretch or tear when the ankle is twisted or turned in an awkward way. Symptoms include pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty walking.
Causes: Common causes include walking or exercising on an uneven surface, landing awkwardly from a jump, or participating in sports that involve sudden changes in direction.
Natural Solutions:
- Rest
- In severe ankle sprains, where significant ligament damage has occurred a cam-boot is a good option (a boot specifically designed to distribute weight differently so as to take pressure off damaged bones or ligaments in the ankle and foot)
- Ice Therapy (10 minutes on, followed by 10 minutes off for 50 minutes)
- Therapeutic Ultrasound
- Trio of Creams (great for pain, inflammation and to supply the building blocks for repairing the ligament damage)
- Chiropractic Treatment - it’s important to ensure the joints are all aligned correctly for complete healing to take place.
- Ankle strengthening exercises (using an air cushion or wobble board is the most effective way to start, followed by using resistance bands towards the end of the rehab program)

Explanation: Compression of the tibial nerve as it passes through the tarsal tunnel, a narrow space on the inside of the ankle. Check the picture to the left to see where the nerve is trapped in tarsal tunnel syndrome. This condition is the equivalent of carpel tunnel syndrome that occurs in the wrist. Tingling, burning, or numbness in the foot, especially around the sole and inside of the ankle are the symptoms that are experienced with tarsal tunnel syndrome.
Causes: Overuse, injury, tight footwear, swelling, joint subluxations or anatomical abnormalities can cause this condition.
Natural Solutions:
- Rest (if you think overuse is causing this condition, some time off the activities that are aggravating it makes a lot of sense)
- Ice Therapy (10 minutes on, followed by 10 minutes off for 50 minutes) - ensure the ice is being held over the inside of the ankle
- Therapeutic Ultrasound used on the pulsed setting behind and below the medial malleolus (the inner ankle bone) for 2 minutes
- Trio of Creams (great for pain, inflammation and to supply the building blocks for repairing the nerve damage)
- Chiropractic Treatment - if this condition has come on suddenly, it can be the result of joint subluxations (a change in position of the bones in the ankle) causing tension on the tarsal tunnel. These bones can be realigned by a Chiropractic adjustment.

Explanation: A condition where the arches of the feet flatten out when standing. This affects the shock absorbing ability of the feet, resulting in more impact being born on the ankles, knees and hips. Pain in frequently felt in the feet, ankles, or lower legs, especially after prolonged standing or physical activity.
Causes: Flat feet can be the result of an injury, arthritis, or wear and tear over time. A sedentary lifestyle doesn’t demand the strength of the surrounding muscles of the feet and ankles, resulting in weakness and a lack of support of the ankle and arch of the foot.
Natural Solutions:
- Rest (spend less time on your feet to give them a chance to recover)
- Arch supports and supportive footwear
- Custom made orthotics (there are new orthotics available now that are adjustable, read more about them in the treatment section below)
- Strengthening exercises for the feet (See the Facebook video below for toe yoga exercises to strengthen your arch naturally)
- Therapeutic Ultrasound if you’re experiencing pain in the arch to prevent plantar fasciitis
- The Trio of Creams is great to support the weary muscles and to prevent inflammation and pain
- Cupping on the muscles of the lower leg and plantar fascia to relieve adhesions and increase blood flow to the muscles responsible for maintaining a strong arch

Explanation: Inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of the foot, from the heel to the toes. Tightness in this fascia results in significant pain in the arch and sometimes in the heel as well. It is particularly noticeable in the morning as you take your first steps out of bed. Limping for a few metres is very common. It is also worse after long periods of standing or sitting too.
Causes: Plantar Fasciitis often occurs due to tightness in the calf muscles which pulls the heel upwards and backwards, stretching the plantar fascia. Overuse, improper footwear, high arches, or flat feet can also trigger this condition. Dr Kez has also found that a pelvic tilt can result in a shift in weight bearing that puts the posterior chain muscles (calf, hamstrings and glutes) on tension, leading to plantar fasciitis.
Natural Solutions:
- Rest (spend less time on your feet to give them a chance to recover)
- Stretching exercises (including both muscles of the calf - see the treatment section below for specifics
- Chiropractic Treatment to align the metatarsals (toes) and calcaneus (heel). These bones are the insertion points for the fascia, if they are not functioning properly, they will continue to stretch and strain the plantar fascia, making it very difficult to resolve this condition long term. At Life Balance Adjustments Dr Kez treats your body as a whole and explores other potential aggravating factors, like and anterior pelvic tilt (which commonly causes Plantar fasciitis as mentioned above), as well as knee and hip misalignments which also puts undue pressure on the plantar fascia

- Roll your arch over a spikey massage ball to increase blood flow and break up tight trigger points in the fascia.
- Roll your arch over a frozen water bottle to assist with inflammation and pain.
- Trio of Creams to assist the bone pain from the tight fascia and to assist with healing the fascia itself, as well as bringing more blood flow for healing.
- Therapeutic Ultrasound under the arch of the foot and heel.
- Cupping on the muscles of the lower leg and plantar fascia to relieve adhesions and increase blood flow to the muscles responsible for supporting a strong arch, which will take pressure off the plantar fascia
- Gel Heel Pad for 2-4 weeks to take the strain off the insertion of the plantar fascia into the calcaneus (heel bone), followed by:
- Orthotics a flat foot puts a huge strain on the plantar fascia (check the treatment section below for more information on the latest remould able orthotics that available at Life Balance Adjustments)
- Supportive footwear (if orthotics are out of reach for you, at the very least get shoes with a decent arch support)
- Avoid walking around bare feet

Explanation: A bony growth on the underside of the heel bone, caused by ongoing tightness of the plantar fascia. This commonly occurs after experiencing the pain of plantar fasciitis. Check out plantar fasciitis above for more information. A heel spur presents as sharp, pin-point pain on the middle or inside aspect of the heel close to the plantar fascia insertion (towards the front of the heel). It is particularly painful in the mornings as the fascia is inherently tighter and therefore pulls more on the painful, inflamed heel spur. The first few steps to the loo in the morning can be a real struggle. Similarly the first few steps after prolonged periods of sitting can result in more discomfort also.
Causes: Long-term strain on the muscles and ligaments of the foot, plantar fasciitis, flat feet, and gait abnormalities are the most likely contributing factors.
Natural Solutions:
The treatment is identical to plantar fasciitis above, as easing tension in the fascia is what will take pressure off the heel spur fastest.

Explanation: Painful condition caused by thinning or degeneration of the fat pad that cushions the heel. The fat pad is there to absorb the impact every time we take a step, as we strike with out heel first. When this shock absorber is depleted, one can experience deep, bruise-like pain in the heel, especially when walking or standing.
Causes: Ageing, excessive weight, and repetitive impact.
Natural Solutions:
- Rest (spend less time on your foot to give it a chance to recover)
- Gel Heel Pad for 2-4 weeks to take the pressure and impact off the heel bone, followed by:
- Orthotics to distribute the weight more effectively on your feet is recommended after the fat pad has recovered to prevent reoccurrence (check the treatment section below for more information on the latest re-mouldable orthotics that are available at Life Balance Adjustments)
- Trio of Creams (the Bone Aid Relief Cream will help with the bone pain on the heel, while the Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion will provide the building blocks the body needs to replenish the fat pad itself and finally the Heativate® Relief Cream will bring the necessary blood flow for the body to heal)
- Therapeutic Ultrasound directly over the bottom of the heel
- Purchase footwear with decent cushioning and avoid walking around bare feet
- Cupping treatment of surrounding musculature in the lower leg and foot (Especially in cases of reoccurrence, an imbalance of the muscles can contribute to altered biomechanics that can lead to heel pad syndrome)

Explanation: Misalignment of the cuboid bone, causing pain on the outer aspect of the foot. If left untreated that condition can become very painful with noticeable swelling and difficulty bearing weight on the affected foot.
Causes: Injury (including what may appear as a mild rolled ankle), overuse, or sudden changes in activity. Cuboid syndrome can also come about as a result of wearing tight fitting footwear.
- Rest (spend less time on your foot to give it a chance to recover)
- Chiropractic Treatment to align the carpal bone, taking pressure off the ligaments and tendons that are being held in the incorrect position
- Trio of Creams (the Bone Aid Relief Cream will help with the bone pain on the cuboid itself, while the Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion will address the inflammation and irritation to the ligaments and tendons that attach to the cuboid that will become irritated if this condition is ongoing, and finally the Heativate® Relief Cream will bring the necessary blood flow for the body to heal)
- Therapeutic Ultrasound directly over the cuboid bone itself
Ankle strengthening exercises (using an air cushion or wobble board is a great way to build strength of the little intrinsic muscles in the foot)
- Cupping treatment of surrounding musculature in the lower leg and foot (Especially in cases of reoccurrence, an imbalance of the muscles can contribute to altered biomechanics that can lead to cuboid syndrome)
- Orthotics to distribute the weight more effectively on your feet is recommended to ease the pressure on the cuboid bone and joints surrounding (check the treatment section below for more information on the latest re-mouldable orthotics that are available at Life Balance Adjustments)

Explanation: A sprain, ligament tear, fracture or dislocation (or a combination) of the bones in the midfoot, where the metatarsals meet the talus bone (see the picture to the left). Regardless of the extent of the injury, it will inherently be painful, swollen and result in an inability to bear weight on that foot.
Causes: Trauma or high-impact activities, such as falls or car accidents. In clinical practice I see this injury often when someone misjudges the last step and their body weight ends up over their foot before the foot has reached the ground, resulting in the toes taking the weight of the whole body, rather that the heel.
Natural Solutions:
In severe cases this injury may require surgery
- In less severe cases, the use of crutches to completely avoid weight bearing is suggested
- Chiropractic Treatment to align the metatarsals is strongly recommended
- Trio of Creams (the Bone Aid Relief Cream will help with the bone pain or fracture, while the Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion will address the inflammation and irritation to the damaged ligaments and tendons, and finally the Heativate® Relief Cream will bring the necessary blood flow for the body to heal)
- Therapeutic Ultrasound directly over the lisfranc area itself
- Ankle strengthening exercises (using an air cushion or wobble board is a great way to build strength of the intrinsic muscles in the foot after complete recovery of the fracture or tear has occurred)
- Orthotics to improve the foot biomechanics after such a significant injury is highly recommended. (Check the treatment section below for more information on the latest re-mouldable orthotics that are available at Life Balance Adjustments)

Explanation: A small crack in a bone caused by repetitive force or overuse. Most commonly it occurs in the metatarsal bones. Sometimes these small fractures cannot be seen on X-rays initially, as they are so small. Once the body starts to lay down the bone to heal the fracture, it may become noticeable on X-ray. In the early stages, however, a bone scan will pick up the extra activity at the fracture site, regardless of how small the fracture is in the first place. Given the nature of the fracture, the pain noticeably worsens with activity and diminishes with rest. One day you can be feeling the pain after being on your feet all day and the next day you may feel nothing.
Causes: Overuse (working in a factory or supermarket on concrete floors), sudden increase in physical activity (ie. start walking daily because you’ve got a new puppy, where before you didn’t walk at all), and improper footwear (this is commonly seen in people wearing new football or soccer boots which have very little flexibility).

Natural Solutions:
- Rest (spend less time on your foot to give it a chance to recover)
- Cam-boot (a boot specifically designed to distribute weight differently so as to take pressure off the metatarsal bones to allow fractures to heal. It is also a great option for severe sprains and tears of the ankle due to a severe ankle sprain)
- Trio of Creams (the Bone Aid Relief Cream will provide the building blocks for healing the bone, while the Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion will address the inflammation and any irritation to the surrounding ligaments and tendons and finally the Heativate® Relief Cream will bring the necessary blood flow for the body to heal the fracture effectively)
- Therapeutic Ultrasound directly over the fractured bone itself. If imaging hasn’t been done specifically to identify which bone is fractured, simply direct the ultrasound treatment head over the areas of most pain and the immediately surrounding area. Be sure to use the Bone Aid Relief Cream and Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion over the skin before applying the gel and ultrasound treatment for faster results.
- Orthotics can improve the foot biomechanics effectively. Distributing the weight symmetrically over the whole foot, instead of localising it to the stress fracture site (which can be why the fracture occurred in the first place is recommended. (Check the treatment section below for more information on the latest re-mouldable orthotics that are available at Life Balance Adjustments)
- A gradual return to activity is strongly recommended

Explanation: Although there are over 100 different types of arthritis, the most common to affect the feet are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
CLICK HERE for more information on joint pain and the different types of arthritis. For the purpose of this explanation, regardless of the exact type of arthritis you have, the symptoms are similar, with pain, inflammation and stiffness of the joints being the main feature which results in a decreased range of motion.
Causes: Wear and tear (osteoarthritis), autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis), infections or previous injuries with remnant joint dysfunction that hasn’t been resolved. Over time this joint dysfunction will wear and tear the joints unnecessarily resulting in arthritic change to the cartilage and bones of the joint.
Natural Solutions:
- Trio of Creams (the Bone Aid Relief Cream will provide the building blocks for healing the bone, while the Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion will address the inflammation and any irritation to the cartilage and finally the Heativate® Relief Cream will bring the necessary blood flow to the joint, which is necessary for repair and regeneration)
- Cupping treatment of surrounding musculature in the lower leg and foot
(such as the calves and tibialis and perineal muscles) is great for taking pressure off the joints. Tight muscles cause the surrounding bones to be jammed together, decreasing the joint space and leading to more wear and tear. Releasing tension in the muscles is the key feature in reducing the ongoing wearing out of joints seen with arthritis. -
Therapeutic Ultrasound directly over the arthritic joint itself. Be sure to use the Bone Aid Relief Cream and Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion over the joint before applying the gel and using the ultrasound on the pulsed setting.
- SOulSoak foot spa is a brilliant way to replenish over 80 essential elements and minerals by simply soaking your feet for 20 minutes. Doing this before stretching out the toes and ankles makes such a difference in soothing arthritic joints.
- TENS socks - using the TENS socks over your painful arthritic toes can bring much needed temporary relief. While the socks are on, the ache of arthritic joints is negated.
- PlantEm Essentials FixEm Anti-Inflammatory powder can be taken twice daily to help reduce the levels of inflammation systemically, throughout the whole body. For more information on this natural whole foods product, check it out in the Treatment section below.
- Orthotics can effectively improve foot biomechanics. Distributing the weight symmetrically over the whole foot, can help take pressure off arthritic joints and allow for better movement of all of the joints in the foot. (Check the treatment section below for more information on the latest re-mouldable orthotics that are available at Life Balance Adjustments)

Explanation: Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis characterised by sudden, severe attacks of pain, swelling, redness, and tenderness in the joints, which typically occurs at night or early in the morning. These attacks can last for a few days to a week or more. It often affects the joint at the base of the big toe but can also occur in other joints such as the ankles, knees, elbows, wrists, and fingers.
Causes: High levels of uric acid in the blood, often due to diet, genetics, or kidney function. Consuming foods and beverages high in purines can lead to elevated uric acid levels. Some of these foods include red meat, organ meats, seafood, alcohol, sugary beverages etc.
Natural Solutions:
- Avoid high purine foods, which can elevate uric acid levels. Some of these foods include red meat, organ meats, seafood, alcohol, sugary beverages etc.
- Trio of Creams (the Bone Aid Relief Cream will provide the building blocks for healing the bone, which is often involved especially if the gout is recurrent, while the Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion will address the inflammation and any irritation to the cartilage and finally the Heativate® Relief Cream will bring the necessary blood flow to the joint, which is necessary for repair and regeneration)

- Therapeutic Ultrasound directly over the joint experiencing the gout. Be sure to use the Bone Aid Relief Cream and Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion over the joint before applying the gel and using the ultrasound on the pulsed setting. For the big toe, 1 minute is usually all that is required to give significant relief. This can be repeated throughout the day, whenever your pain returns, you can’t overdo it!
- SOulSoak foot spa is a brilliant way to replenish over 80 essential elements and minerals by simply soaking your feet for 20 minutes. Usually we recommend having the water as hot as your feet can handle it, but in the case of gout, this may flare you up, so warm is better than hot.
- TENS socks - using the TENS socks covering your painful gout joint can bring much needed temporary relief. So long as you can handle the weight of the sock on your toe of course. While the socks are on, the pain from the gout should be negated.
- PlantEm Essentials FixEm Anti-Inflammatory powder can be taken twice daily to help reduce the levels of inflammation systemically, throughout the whole body.
- Ensure adequate hydration, with water peeps, nothing else!

Explanation: A bunion, also known as hallux valgus, is a bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of the big toe. It occurs when some of the bones in the front part of the foot move out of place, causing the tip of the big toe to be pulled toward the smaller toes and forcing the joint at the base of the big toe to stick out towards the midline. In the initial phases this can result in redness, pain and swelling around the joint, but over time the deformation may remain, but the pain and swelling may subside or become intermittent. It will still end up with altered biomechanics, but the pain and swelling is likely to ease. The limited movement that results may make walking long distances uncomfortable and lead to rapid arthritic change. If you have had a bunion for a long period of time, check out the arthritis section above. Calluses or corns my result where the big toe and second toe rub up against each other.
Causes: Genetics, improper footwear (especially tight, pointy toed shoes), flat feet and arthritis.
Natural Solutions:
- If you’re in a stage of acute pain and inflammation, do your best to rest and avoid prolonged walking or standing.
- Chiropractic Treatment to align the big toe and surrounding joints is strongly recommended.

- Trio of Creams (the Bone Aid Relief Cream will provide the building blocks for healing the bone, while the Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion will address the inflammation and any irritation to the cartilage surrounding the big toe joint and finally the Heativate® Relief Cream will bring the necessary blood flow to the joint, which is necessary for repair and regeneration)
- Therapeutic Ultrasound directly over the bunion directly. Be sure to use the Bone Aid Relief Cream and Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion over the joint before applying the gel and using the ultrasound on the pulsed setting. 1-2 minutes is usually all that is required to give significant relief.
- TENS socks - using the TENS socks covering your painful gout joint can bring much needed temporary relief. So long as you can handle the weight of the sock on your toe of course. While the socks are on, the pain from the gout should be negated.
- PlantEm Essentials FixEm Anti-Inflammatory powder can be taken twice daily to help reduce the levels of inflammation systemically, throughout the whole body. Rest, ice, bunion pads, and footwear with a wide toe box.
- Orthotics - a flat foot puts a huge strain on the big toe (check the treatment section below for more information on the latest remould able orthotics that available at Life Balance Adjustments)

Explanation: Misalignment or downward displacement of the metatarsal bones, which is way more common than you think. I see this in clinical practice all the time, causing pain under the ball of the foot, which is worsened by walking or standing for prolonged periods of time. This can be made worse with footwear that is ill fitting (either too small, tight or even too loose). This condition can lead to metatarsalgia, see below for more details.
Causes: Injury, overuse, high heeled shoes or improper footwear.
Natural Solutions:
- Ensure correctly fitted footwear.
- Chiropractic Treatment to align the metatarsal heads, the relief is quite instantaneous.
- Trio of Creams (the Bone Aid Relief Cream will provide the building blocks for healing the bone, while the Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion will address the inflammation and any irritation to the cartilage and foot pad, and finally the Heativate® Relief Cream will bring the necessary blood flow to the joint)
- Therapeutic Ultrasound directly under the painful metatarsal joint. 1 minute is usually all that is required to give significant relief.
- Orthotics can alter the biomechanics significantly to support the metatarsal heads and prevent reoccurrence (check the treatment section below for more information)

Explanation: Metatarsalgia is a condition characterised by pain and inflammation in the ball of the foot, specifically in the metatarsal region. It is often caused by increased pressure on the metatarsal heads, the ends of the five long bones in the foot. The pain is either sharp, aching, or burning felt in the ball of the foot, near the base of the toes. It is worsened with activity and can sometimes feel like there is pebble under the ball of the foot.
Footwear - Wearing high heels, ill-fitting shoes, or shoes with insufficient support can increase pressure on the metatarsal heads, leading to metatarsalgia.
High-Impact Activities - Engaging in activities that put repetitive stress on the feet, such as running, jumping, or high-impact sports, can contribute to the development of metatarsalgia.
Foot Structure - Certain foot shapes, such as high arches or flat feet, can lead to uneven distribution of weight across the foot, increasing pressure on the metatarsal heads.
Obesity - Excess body weight can put additional pressure on the metatarsal region, leading to pain and inflammation.
Other Foot Conditions - Conditions such as hammertoes, bunions, or Morton's neuroma can alter the mechanics of the foot and contribute to metatarsalgia. More on these below.
Ageing - As people age, the fat pad that cushions the ball of the foot can thin, leading to increased pressure on the metatarsal heads.

Natural Solutions:
- Rest (spend less time on your foot to give it a chance to recover)
- Chiropractic Treatment to align the small bones of the feet, to take pressure off the metatarsals.
- Trio of Creams (the Bone Aid Relief Cream will help with the bone pain on the metatarsals themselves, while the Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion will address the inflammation and soft tissues involved, and finally the Heativate® Relief Cream will bring the necessary blood flow for the body to heal)
- Therapeutic Ultrasound directly over the metatarsal heads (on the bottom of the foot is most effective)
- Cupping treatment of the plantar fascia and calf muscles is very effective in helping to restore normal tension on the metatarsals
- Orthotics can help to alter the biomechanics to support the metatarsal heads and prevent a flare up in the future (check the treatment section below for more information)

Explanation: Morton's neuroma is a painful condition that affects the ball of the foot, most commonly between the third and fourth toes (or the second and third toes). It involves the thickening of the tissue around one of the nerves leading to the toes, which can cause sharp, burning pain, numbness, and discomfort. The numbness and pain distribution is often into the web of the toes.
Causes: Repetitive pressure or injury, high heels, or tight shoes, most commonly causes this condition.
Natural Solutions:
- Rest the area when the neuroma is actively painful.
- Ensure correctly fitted footwear, avoid high heels at all costs.
- Chiropractic Treatment to align the small bones of the foot to take pressure off the damaged nerve.
- Trio of Creams (the Bone Aid Relief Cream will provide the building blocks for healing the nerve and addressing the thickening, while the Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion will address the inflammation, and finally the Heativate® Relief Cream will bring the necessary blood flow to the joint)
- Therapeutic Ultrasound directly over the painful neuroma site. 1 minute is usually all that is required to give significant relief.
- Orthotics are recommended to relieve pressure off the neuroma and alter the biomechanics to prevent reoccurrence

Hammer toe is a deformity where the toe has an abnormal bend in its middle joint, making it resemble a hammer.
- A noticeable bend in the middle joint of the toe.
- Pain and discomfort, especially when wearing shoes.
- Corns and calluses on the top of the bent joint or on the tip of the toe.
- Difficulty moving the affected toe.

Explanation: Claw toe is a condition where the toes bend into a claw-like shape, usually affecting all toes except the big toe. The toes bend upward from the ball of the foot and downward at the middle joints.
- Bent toes that curl under the foot.
- Pain and discomfort, particularly in the ball of the foot and the tips of the toes.
- Corns and calluses on the top of the bent joint or on the tips of the toes.
- Difficulty wearing shoes and walking.
Explanation: Mallet toe is a deformity where the toe has an abnormal bend in its distal joint (the joint closest to the tip), making the toe look like a mallet.
- A noticeable bend in the joint closest to the tip of the toe.
- Pain and discomfort, especially when wearing shoes.
- Corns and calluses on the tip of the toe.
- Difficulty moving the affected toe.
Footwear - Wearing shoes that are too tight, narrow, or have high heels can force the toes into an unnatural position, contributing to the development of hammer, claw, and mallet toes.
Foot Structure and Mechanics - Abnormal foot mechanics, such as high arches or flat feet, can increase the risk of developing these conditions. These foot types can lead to muscle imbalances and increased pressure on the toes.
Muscle Imbalances - Muscle imbalances in the foot and toes, often caused by conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, or neuromuscular diseases, can lead to the development of hammer, claw, and mallet toes. Weakness or overactivity of certain muscles can cause the toes to bend abnormally.
Injury or Trauma - Previous injuries or trauma to the foot or toes can lead to the formation of hammer, claw, and mallet toes. This includes fractures, dislocations, or sprains that alter the normal structure and function of the toes.
Genetic Factors - A family history of foot deformities can increase the likelihood of developing hammer, claw, and mallet toes.
Medical Conditions - Conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and diabetes can affect the nerves and muscles of the feet, leading to deformities like hammer, claw, and mallet toes.

Natural Solutions:
- Ensure correctly fitted footwear, avoid high heels at all costs.
- Chiropractic Treatment to align the small bones of the foot to ensure they are functioning optimally.
- Trio of Creams (the Bone Aid Relief Cream will provide the building blocks for healing the bones and nerves, while the Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion will address the inflammation and soft tissues, and finally the Heativate® Relief Cream will bring the necessary blood flow to the joint)
- Cupping is brilliant for addressing these muscular imbalances that contribute to these toe deformities. Working on the muscles of the calves, tibialis and perineal muscles to create an even pull on the toes from the top and the bottom is ideal.
- Therapeutic Ultrasound directly over the tendons leading into the toes where the deformity is present.
- Orthotics are recommended to support the biomechanics of the whole foot and take pressure off the tendons responsible for these toe deformities.

How It Works: Therapeutic ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves to penetrate deep into the tissues, promoting blood flow, reducing inflammation, and accelerating vibrational healing. The high frequency vibration reacts with the water within our cells causing an excitation that translates into healing. In clinical practice I have seen a great reduction in pain, inflammation, mobility and speed of healing using the ultrasound as an adjunct to Chiro treatments.
To secure yourself a therapeutic ultrasound click on the image below.
Applications: Effective for muscle tears, ligament sprains, nerve entrapments, heel spurs, fractures, arthritis and gout, and much more. The ultrasound works to enhance tissue repair and reduce pain. We advise to use the therapeutic ultrasound as you final treatment protocol. Regardless of whether you’re using cupping, stretching or even having dry needling, using the ultrasound as the final part of your treatment can dramatically enhance the results and limit inflammation and pain. Although you always need to use the gel to conduct the sound waves of the ultrasound deep into the body, applying the Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion and Bone Aid Relief Cream before applying the gel and using the ultrasound on the pulsed setting will further enhance the results of this amazing little device.

How It Works: A set of three topical creams formulated to reduce pain, inflammation, and promote healing through 100% natural ingredients. The Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion has active ingredients that work their magic on soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, bursae, meniscus, discs, capsules, cartilage, blood vessels etc. While the actives in Bone Aid Relief Cream have been chosen for their bone and nerve healing properties. Finally, the trio is made complete with Heativate® Relief Cream, which has active ingredients chosen for their ability to enhance blood circulation, which is absolutely pertinent in promoting healing. In fact the active ingredients of Kirofix® and Bone Aid are driven deep into the damaged tissues by the properties in Heativate®, optimising the healing abilities.
To find out more or to order the Dr Kez Trio of Creams to assist you on your therapeutic journey, CLICK the image below!
Applications: Easy application, absorbed well into the skin and it goes a long way. Can be used to manage pain and inflammation in conditions such as calf tears, shin splints, nerve entrapments and compartment syndrome.

Explanation: Vacuum cupping involves adhering cups on the skin surface, by using the suction created by a vacuum pump. This negative pressure draws the top layer of muscle, as well as the skin, up into the cup to break away its adhesion to the muscle below. Tight muscles trap lactic acid. Lactic acid is very sticky and causes muscle layers to stick together. The different layers of muscles in the lower limb are designed to perform different functions, independently. When they are all adhered to one another, these functions become affected and instead of working independently these muscles get activated when they shouldn’t be, which results in paradoxical (unusual) movement, leading to joint dysfunction, pain and inflammation. Once the muscles have separated, the blood can flow effectively to all muscles involved, reducing pain and promoting healing. Blood flow is necessary for healthy function of muscles and repair of injuries. Using the cups on the muscles of the calves and either side of the shins can bring the area back into balance, break away adhesions and result in the tension and pull on the bones of the foot being normalised. A cup can also be placed on the plantar fascia for plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, flat feet and heel pad syndrome.
Applications: Beneficial for muscle tears, nerve entrapments, shin splints, and compartment syndrome by enhancing circulation and reducing muscle tightness. Enhanced circulation will speed up the recovery of damaged cells and tissues, enhancing healing.

Explanation: The Dr Kez 4 in 1 TENS machine has 4 different features to cover a range of uses, including pain relief, reduction in inflammation and muscle building. Although traditionally the device is used with two leads with 2 electrodes each, to be placed on either side of the painful area. A sock addition can be purchased, allowing the drug free pain relieving benefits of the TENS machine to be experienced over the whole foot and ankle area.
To find out more about the other 3 features of the Dr Kez 4 in 1 TENS machine, CLICK the image below!
Applications: Useful for managing pain in conditions like nerve entrapments, muscle sprains and tears, fractures, arthritis, plantar fasciitis, in fact any ankle, foot or toe condition that causes pain. The TENS machine is a great, drug-free alternative for promoting relaxation, relieving pain, reducing inflammation and rehabilitating muscle imbalances.

The main muscles to focus on that affect the foot are the calf muscles, made up of the Gastrocnemius muscle (which crosses the knee joint too) and the Soleus (which only crosses the ankle joint). Check out the pics below on how to most effectively stretch them both.

Building strength into the calf muscles also helps a myriad of foot and ankle conditions. The best way to strengthen the calf muscles is to do calf raises. With toes on the step (similar to the stretches above) slowly drop the heel below the step and then raise up onto the toes so that the heel is well above the step. Do this 20 times, each side. Doing this exercise one foot at a time is even more beneficial. If you are finding this exercise becoming too easy, add weights to your hands.

Explanation: The gel heel cups have been designed to provide significant padding to the heel area, making it ideal for heel spurs, plantar fasciitis and heel pad syndrome. Each time the heel strikes the ground as you walk or stand, it is highly protected by the gel pad, giving more opportunity to heal with less aggravation.
Application: Place one gel heel cup in each shoe (regardless of whether the pain exists in both heels) as we need to maintain good balance at all times. These heel cups can also be beneficial for Achilles Tendonitis too as it decreases the pull on the Achilles so that healing can take place.
To purchase a pair of these heel saving Gel Heel Cups click the image above.

Explanation: Custom Orthotics are one of the fastest ways to rectify biomechanical imbalances in the foot. The new re-mouldable orthotics have been a revolutionary development. These orthotics can be remoulded an infinite amount of times throughout their 3-5 year life span, allowing for adaptation to conditions like plantar fasciitis, ankle issues, knee issues, hip and back issues. Joint dysfunction in any of the lower limb joints or even the lower back and pelvis, has an influence on the biomechanics of the feet and vice-versa. Once a condition is resolved, the orthotics can be remoulded to the new, more optimal biomechanical position. They are also great if the wearer of the orthotics changes jobs (for example going from a sedentary desk job to a floor manager at Bunnings), or even if you get a new fur baby that has you out walking every day, when previously you weren’t. Biomechanics with these new demands changes and the orthotics can be remoulded to suit these new requirements.
Application: These orthotics are custom made and therefore an appointment is required to fit them to you. They are all done in the consulting room and you will walk out with them on the same visit. We recommend you gradually weaning into wearing them. 2 hours on the first day and gradually increase daily. Within 1 week of custom fitting the orthotics, you are likely to be wearing them full time. The orthotics can be transferred from one shoe to another, so that you always have the correct biomechanics, regardless of which shoes you choose. Please note the shoe needs to be enclosed for the orthotics to remain in place.

Explanation: The FixEm Anti-inflammatory powder is a 100% natural, whole foods product with no fillers, preservative, flavours or colours added. The ingredients have been chosen be a medicinal nutritionist who understands inflammation in the body and has carefully selected whole foods that help to counteract inflammation. For example, turmeric is the hero of this product. Not all turmerics are the same however. The turmeric we have included in this product is therapeutic grade and is mixed with Pepperine for better bioavailability and we have also added coconut as a fat source is needed to drive the turmeric into the cells where it does its best anti-inflammatory work. Consuming this powder, once or twice daily is a great way to help multiple ailments at once. Treating them from the inside with FixEm Anti-Inflammatory, as well as the outside with the creams and ultrasounds as mentioned above.
Application: Take 1 scoop in water once or twice daily (depending on how much inflammation and pain you are experiencing) and enjoy the benefits. If you struggle with the flavour of the turmeric, you can add some apple juice or coconut water for flavour. Just remember you’re taking it for its therapeutic benefits, not the flavour!
This comprehensive guide covers the key conditions affecting the foot, ankle, and toes, along with natural solutions and detailed descriptions of effective treatments. If you need further elaboration on any section or additional information, feel free to book a Telehealth appointment HERE for a tailored plan to faster recovery of your ankle, foot or toe ailment!