21 Day Reset To Revive And Thrive in 2025!
Revive and Thrive in 2025: Your 21-Day Reset!

Welcome to the 21-Day Revive and Thrive in 2025 Reset, where we’re giving your body, mind, and soul a fresh start!
We loved having you join us in January for 21 days, showing up for yourself each day and creating a new health journey.
But who needs a January, or a Monday for that matter, to start? You can choose to start whenever you please! It's free and do what works for you.
This challenge isn’t about perfection—it’s about progress, fuelled by small steps that lead to big changes.
Whether you tuck-jump head first into all of the pillars below or test the waters with just a few, every effort counts and perhaps new habits will form!
You’ll be supported by us, Dr Kez and Em, as we are always available, with live videos on socials, motivational content, and a thriving community on the ‘Life Balance With Dr Kez and Em’ Facebook page. Got a question? Post away! (Or email us from the Contact Us page)
So what’s in store for your 21 Day Revive And Thrive in 2025 reset?
The reset pillars we love are:
- Plant-Based Whole Foods
- Avoid Sugar
- Incorporating Good Healthy Fats
- Processed Foods Can Take A Hike
- Going Gluten-Free
- Size Matters…Meal Planning And Portion Sizes!
- Drink Up! (We’re talking water here!)
- Alcohol No-No
- Moving Your Body
- Lights Out! Sleep Talk
Bonus reset pillars:
- Daily Grounding
- Screen-Free Time
- Soaking Up Vitamin D
- Mindful Breathing
- Daily Gratitude Practice
Let's Dive In!
Plant-Based Whole Foods
Plants are nature’s pharmacy! Eating whole, unprocessed, plant-based foods nourishes your body with the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants it craves.
Try and eat plant based whole foods such as fruit & vegetables and protein sources such as legumes; lentils, chickpeas, beans and tofu. Easy swaps such as chic peas instead of chicken in a curry or lentils instead of mince in bolognaise and look for simple and clean recipes. Plant based mylks such as Almond are a good choice but opt for unsweetened versions if possible.
If you are eating a well rounded variety of plant based foods you will be getting enough protein so make sure to incorporate lots of different types of foods and if you can, eat brown, not white. Yes peeps…allow that extra time to cook brown rice over white (yes it takes ages to cook but worth it!) You will be getting all the nutrients from the bran and germ that hasn’t been taken away like white rice. Whole grain is better for you, Gran was right!
Visit your local farmers' market or grocery store and choose fresh, colorful produce you haven’t tried before.
Expect more energy, glowing skin, and a digestive system that’s finally saying, “Thank you!” Plus, it’s a powerful way to help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and keep your body thriving for years to come.
Things to ponder: How does eating whole, plant-based foods make your body feel compared to processed meals? Notice any changes in energy, mood, digestion and bowel movement.
Avoid Sugar

Sugar may be sweet, but its effects can be sour.
Excess sugar can zap your energy, disrupt your hormones, and wreak havoc on your skin, waistline and blood glucose levels.
Sugar often hides in plain sight under a variety of aliases on ingredient lists. Common names include sucrose, fructose, glucose, dextrose, maltose, and lactose. It can also appear as syrups and sweeteners, such as high-fructose corn syrup, corn syrup and sometimes, sugar disguises itself further as caramel, dextran, ethyl maltol, fruit juice concentrates, maltodextrin, barley malt, or glucose solids. Wow!
Recognising these names will help you spot hidden sugars lurking in processed foods.
By reducing sugar, you’ll stabilise your blood sugar levels, improve your focus, and say goodbye to those sneaky 3 p.m. energy crashes. Plus, your taste buds will rediscover the natural sweetness of whole foods (oh so true!)—proof that less really is more!
Get to know the labels of your favourite snacks or drinks and identify hidden sugars. Avoid these and swap them for healthier choices. Experiment with natural sweeteners like dates, cinnamon, or pureed fruit in recipes.
Things to ponder: How has reducing sugar affected your cravings, energy levels, or mood? Have your tastebuds changed over time? Do you notice whole foods tase different after cutting out sugar? Reflect on how you’ve adapted to the change and what feels easier now.
Incorporating Good Healthy Fats

Healthy fats are brain food at its finest! Omega-3 fatty acids, found in sources like flaxseeds, walnuts, and chia seeds, support cognitive function, improve mood, and reduce inflammation.
Avocado is an excellent source of healthy fats. It’s rich in monounsaturated fats, which support heart health, reduce inflammation, and help regulate cholesterol levels, they pair beautifully with omega-3-rich foods like flaxseeds or walnuts to create a well-rounded, healthy fat snack. Avo on toast
Avocados also contain essential nutrients like potassium, vitamin E, and fiber, making them a fantastic addition to a brain-boosting, body-loving diet. Plus, who can resist guacamole or avocado toast with sliced tomato and a sprinkling of sesame and pumpkin seeds…heavenly delicious and nutritious!
Good fats also help absorb essential vitamins, keep your skin glowing, and maintain balanced hormones.
Try to add one source of healthy fat (like avocado, nuts, or chia seeds) to your meals each day. Experiment with new recipes featuring these ingredients.
Think of these fats as your body’s “premium fuel”—because your brain deserves the best!
Things to ponder: How do healthy fats make you feel physically and mentally? Write about any noticeable effects on your energy, concentration, or overall satisfaction with meals.
Processed Foods Can Take A Hike

Say goodbye to the factory and hello to the farm! Processed foods (including plant based meats) often sneak in extra sugars, unhealthy fats, and ingredients your body doesn’t recognise and struggles to know what to do with. The general rule is if you can’t say it or you don’t know what the ingredient is on the packet, leave it on the shelf! Processed foods are designed to keep us eating and not feel full, they are full of empty calories that bring on tiredness, sluggishness, poor moods, poor sleep and lead to poor health down the track.
Know what ingredients you’re eating and you’ll soon feel the difference.
Yes, its a little more effort cooking from scratch but batch cooking can be a saviour. Cook large amounts and freeze or portion size for the week and before you know it, it becomes a habit to cook this way. You will love having the convenience of getting your own home-cooked meals straight from your freezer. And it’s cheaper!
Whole foods bring balance, helping to stabilise blood sugar, reduce inflammation, and keep your body running like a well-oiled machine.
Have a go at reading some of the ingredients on packaged items in your pantry. Think about how you can make this using plant based whole foods. If you need a recipe fast, a good prompt for an online search is “plant based Shepards Pie” for example.
Things to ponder: How does eliminating processed foods impact how you feel after meals? Reflect on any differences in your digestion, energy, or cravings. Have you found it easier the more you do it?
Going Gluten-Free

Gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, can be a gut disruptor—even for those without celiac disease. For some, gluten contributes to irritation in the digestive tract and may weaken the gut lining, creating what’s often referred to as "leaky gut." This can lead to symptoms like bloating, discomfort, and imbalances in gut health.
When gluten intake happens at every meal, the body doesn’t have a chance to heal from the damage and by the time the next meal comes around and more gluten is introduced, the body starts to become incapable of dealing with the overload and the gut lining becomes weaker and weaker with the body sort of 'giving up’ on trying to heal the gluten damage.
By avoiding gluten, you give your digestive system a chance to heal and function optimally, reducing inflammation and promoting better nutrient absorption. Whether you’re gluten-sensitive or just want to prioritise gut health, this is a change your tummy will thank you for!
Try swapping gluten-containing foods (like pasta & bread) for a gluten-free alternative. GF alternatives have come a long way and most don't deserve the ‘cardboard’ description of yesteryear! Explore recipes using naturally gluten-free ingredients like quinoa or sweet potatoes. Pasta also comes in pulse pasta varieties and this also helps protein intake. Try giving red lentil spiral pasta a go! It tastes the same, has only one ingredient and is a great alternative.
Things to ponder: How does avoiding gluten affect your digestion or energy levels? Do experience less bloating and indigestion? Reflect on any changes you notice, even subtle ones.
Size Matters…Meal Planning And Portion Sizes!

A little planning goes a long way! Prepping balanced meals ensures you eat well while reducing the temptation to grab less healthy options. Portion control keeps you in tune with your hunger cues, helping you avoid overeating and ensuring your body gets just what it needs—no more, no less.
Not only this, but meal planning can mean you save money by using the ingredients in other dishes to avoid waste. Have a shopping list ready to go and try to avoid the supermarket when hungry.
Quite often, we mistaken dehydration for hunger so keep up the water intake to avoid confusion and overeating.
The size of you plate matters too! Ever chosen a larger bowl for pasta and filled it because it looked kinda empty?
There is research suggesting that distracted eating, in front of the TV or social media, means we ingest way more calories so be careful when indulging in your fav Netflix series.
If there are items in your pantry you know are unavoidable triggers for overeating (sweet treats or think things that end up in your mouth before you’ve even thought about it!) toss them out. It’s hard but worth it. Don’t buy them even if they are half price! Keep walking past. In fact, try and avoid the inner aisles of the supermarket where a lot of processed food and lollies live.
When meal planning, focus on balanced portions of whole food plant based protein, carbs, and healthy fats. Remember, batch cooking is your friend! Prepping in advance can make your life so easy, especially in the midweek madness or end-of-day CBF feels. Get the kids involved so they can put in their options for their fav meal (if its healthy haha)
Things to ponder: How does having meals planned and prepped impact your stress levels or eating habits? Have there been any surprises or challenges you encountered?
Drink Up! (We’re talking water here!)

Hydration is your superpower! Water supports every cell in your body, boosts your energy, improves brain function, and keeps your skin looking youthful. Aim for more sips and fewer slumps—it’s the ultimate “clear choice” for a healthier you. For the 21 day reset try and aim for about 2 litres a day. Small sips lead to large amounts!
Carry a reusable water bottle (we prefer metal over plastic…those pesky microplastics are in the water in plastic water bottles, especially ones that have been in heat) throughout the day and set hourly reminders to drink. Add slices of cucumber, lemon, or fresh herbs like mint for flavour if you struggle with plain water.
Things to ponder: Reflect on how your hydration habits have changed. Are you noticing clearer skin, improved focus, or fewer energy dips?
Alcohol No-No

It’s a great time to take a break from the booze! Especially after the silly season and all the plum pudding drowning in sherry….bye bye for now!
Alcohol disrupts sleep, dehydrates your body, and can wreak havoc on your liver. By skipping it, you’ll notice better sleep, clearer thinking, and a mood that doesn’t need a “pour over” to sparkle.
Consider replacing alcohol with water or a kombucha if you want some afternoon fizz. Clean mocktails are an option when out and about on a weekend social catch up or try sparkling water with lime, fresh herbs, or natural fruit juices in a fun glass to make it feel celebratory.
Things to ponder: What changes have you noticed in your sleep quality, mood, or energy since skipping alcohol? (Not to mention the hip pocket!) Have there been any unexpected benefits you’ve experienced?
Moving Your Body

Move it or lose it! Never a truer phrase. Physical activity strengthens your muscles, keeps bones strong, boosts your mood, and sharpens your mind. Whether you’re walking, dancing, jogging or doing yoga, every step gets you closer to a healthier, happier version of yourself. Let’s make “sore” the new “more”! And its a good kinda sore, but the more you move each day, the less you feel the stiffness as your body gets used to the new movement routine. Wake up those cells!
Choose what makes you enjoy the movement (so you want to do it!), like a favourite sport or a Zumba class and try to change it up so you get a good mix of weight/resistance training as well.
As we age, weight or resistance training is super important to help keep bones strong. Working your muscles helps lay the foundation of bones to increase bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis, and also helps increase your metabolism and burn more calories.
Try to incorporate it into your daily routine so it becomes a habit. If you decide to choose morning, a good tip is to have your clothes set out the night before and know what exercise you are doing. This helps mindset and gives your brain less opportunity to talk you out of it. If you choose afternoon, let those around you know what your plan is so they don’t distract you, hopefully they encourage or even join you!
The best part? Exercise is a stress buster in the real sense. It pumps up the neurotransmitters in your brain called endorphins…the feel good hormones! No wonder it feels so good at the end.
Have a go at committing to 20–30 minutes of activity each day, mixing it up with increased heart rate/cardio and weight training. Sometimes the hardest part is starting, but once you have warmed up, it gets easier and remember, whatever you do on the day is perfect for you. Never compare yourself with anyone. We are all on our own journey!
Things to ponder: What emotions or physical sensations come up when you move your body? Do certain types of movement energise or calm you more than others? Notice how it feels when you exercise and how you feel after. Has your energy increased?
Lights Out! Sleep Talk

Sleep is your nightly reset button and is absolutely essential in restoring your body and mind. It plays a part in neural development, healing, learning, memory, mood, optimal daily function, cardiovascular and metabolic regulation and plainly, just makes us happier to be around!
Think of it as the ultimate body and brain booster—because counting sheep is far more effective than counting regrets. (But of you use Lights Out™ Lotion you won't be counting sheep wither!)
After only a few nights of poor sleep, you’re significantly more likely to feel fatigued, stressed excessively sleepy and with decreased functioning overall. Everything just feels hard! This can lead to all sorts of problems, like feeling groggy all day, dangerous driving, making poor food choices to cope, dozing off at the worst times, lack of productivity at work, involuntarily yawning, or even turning into a nighttime snorer. Over time things in your body start to break down as the ‘rest and repair’ sleep time is reduced.
Use this 21 day reset to dive into how to make your sleep routine a healthy one. Consider changes to help the process such as creating a calming bedtime routine—dim the lights, put away screens an hour before bed, try a relaxing practice like journaling, meditating on your Acupressure Mat or stretching, take a bath (using SoulSoak Relax of course!), try going to bed at the same time each night and no late night eating (especially sugary things and caffeinated drinks).
Creating new bed-time habits can have long standing positive effects and once your body starts to recognise the new habits, you will look forward to your calming ‘me time’ at the end of each day!
Things to ponder: How does following a sleep routine affect the way you feel in the morning? What practices help you wind down most effectively?
Bonus Pillars!
Daily Grounding

Kick off your shoes and reconnect with the earth! Grounding, or walking barefoot on grass, sand, or soil, helps reduce inflammation, improve sleep, and lower stress by realigning your body’s natural energy with the earth’s electrons. It’s a simple, soothing practice that can help you feel centred and calm—think of it as a literal way to stay “grounded” in a chaotic world.
You can choose this time to reflect, journal, stare at the clouds passing or meditate. It’s a good time to be present.
Try to find some time and 10–15 minutes barefoot in your yard, at a park, or on a sandy beach. Focus on the sensations under your feet—the texture, temperature, and connection.
Things to ponder: How does connecting to the earth make you feel? Can you thinks of some words or a phrase that describes your experience after grounding?
Screen-Free Time
In a world of constant notifications, stepping away from screens is like a mini-vacation for your mind. Unplugging each day reduces eye strain, improves sleep quality, and creates space for real-world connections and creativity. Whether it’s a tech-free meal or coffee catch-up, an evening walk, or simply curling up with a good book, a screen-free reset can recharge your mental and emotional batteries.
See if you can designate one hour each day as a tech-free zone. Use this time to enjoy a hobby, take a walk (grounding tine!), or share a conversation with a loved one.
Things to ponder: What did you notice or experience during your screen-free time that you might have missed otherwise?
Soaking Up Vitamin D

Sunshine is nature’s multivitamin! Spending time in the sun (safely, of course) boosts your vitamin D levels, which are essential for strong bones, (protecting you from osteoporosis), a healthy immune system, and a positive mood. It’s a quick, joyful way to stay healthy while soaking up some rays and a little happiness.
You can only absorb calcium when vitamin D is present so your bones will love it!
Depending on where you live, the season you are in and the amount of skin exposed can greatly impact the level of Vitamin D absorbed by the sun but incidental sun exposure counts too.
Although Vitamin D is minimal at the end of the day, watching a sunset can help reduce stress levels, slow down for the day, help set your circadian rhythm and enjoy the beauty of nature.
Try to schedule 10–20 minutes a day, mid-morning or mid-afternoon, outside of peak UV times, and catch a few rays to boost your Vitamin D. You can multitask by using this time to so another activity, like sipping tea, stretching, grounding or reading. Or even take your work desk outside!
Things to ponder: Reflect on how sunlight impacts your mood. Do you feel a difference in your energy or outlook after spending time outside?
Mindful Breathing
A few minutes of focused breathing can work wonders for your body and mind. Deep, intentional breaths reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and help you stay present in the moment. It’s free, easy, and always available—your breath is your body’s built-in reset button.
Often we shallow breathe and forget to take big belly breaths. Inhale and feel your tummy expand. It feel wonderful!
In times of stress, breathing techniques can be a great way to help calm the mind. A simple version is count to 4 while breathing in, hold for a second and breathe out for 4. There are plenty of variations so choose one that is easy to remember when needed.
Another example is a simple breathing technique like Box Breathing or 4-7-8 breathing. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7, exhale for 8. Do this for 3–5 minutes whenever you feel stressed.
You can use this technique when you know you are entering a high stress environment or about to deal with a toxic person or family member, to help be in a state of calm.
Things to ponder: After practicing mindful breathing, note down how your body feels compared to before. Is there a shift in your mental clarity or stress levels?
Daily Gratitude Practice

This can be done in the morning, night or any time! Its a great way to stay thankful and grounded and truly appreciate even the smallest things.
Seeing the ‘silver lining’ in situations is a great way to shift perspective and helps us to understand the views of others and appreciate everyone as individuals. It’s also a great place to be when problem solving as being in a state of gratefulness helps us stay compassionate and appreciative.
Make a time each evening, morning or when it works for you, write down or consciously think about three things you’re grateful for that day. Be as specific as you like e.g., “I am grateful for my warm bed” or “I am grateful for the hug from my friend that lifted me up,” “or “I am grateful there are trains today and not replacement busses” or “I am grateful for my family’s honesty yesterday that helped me see a different point of view”.
Things to ponder: How does focusing on gratitude impact your perspective? Over time, can you spot a common theme in what brings you joy? Do you find it easier, over time, to start to see the positive in situations? Does this help with communications?
Do What's Right For You!
This is your reset, your way. Whether you crush all the pillars or take small, steady steps, every effort is a victory worth celebrating. With guidance from Dr Kez (chiro) and Em and the support of our incredible community, you’ll have everything you need to revive and thrive in 2025. Ready to feel amazing? Let’s do this together!
PS...Feel free to make healthy changes whenever you like, if you want to start today, go for it! Need time to think? That's great too! We are here to help when you need us.