Headaches are a common ailment that can significantly impact daily life, presenting in various ways and with different intensities. From tension headaches and migraines to cluster headaches and sinus headaches, understanding the different types can help you identify the best ways to manage them. This page provides explanations of each headache type, their causes, and a range of natural solutions that may help you to eliminate headaches from your life. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to alleviate headache pain naturally and improve your overall well-being.

Tension headaches are the most common type of headache, characterised by a constant, dull, aching pain on both sides of the head. They often feel like a tight band around the forehead or at the back of the head and neck. It often feels like wearing a hat that is too tight. Unlike migraines, they are not typically accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light and sound.
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Poor posture
- Eye strain
- Fatigue
- Muscle tension
Natural Solutions:

Chiropractic Care: Adjustments can relieve tension in the neck and spine, which can reduce the frequency and severity of tension headaches. This is particularly enhanced by Chiro’s that take the extra time to address the tight muscles that contribute to the subluxations that they treat. For more information on subluxations and spinal health read this blog.
Acupressure Hat: A specially designed wrap around hat with acupressure spikes to increase blood flow to the scalp, neck and jaw while stimulating the acupressure points of the head, face and neck. Increased blood flow means fewer and less intense headaches.
Acupressure Points: Acupressure points can help relieve headaches by stimulating specific points on the body to promote natural pain relief, reduce inflammation, and improve blood flow. For more details on which points can help, check out the treatment section below.
Stress Release: There is a clear link between stress and how it causes physical tension in our bodies. This physical tension contributes to headaches in a large number of people. Check out the treatment options section below for some suggestions on how to relieve stress naturally.
Cupping: Stress causes us to clench our jaw and tighten the muscles in our scalp, face, neck and shoulders. Relieving the tension in these muscles will increase the blood flowing to your head and brain and reduce tension headaches significantly.
Trio of Creams: Applying the trio of creams to the neck and shoulders is a great way to provide what the body needs to relieve tight muscles, alleviate pain and increase blood flow.
Ultrasound: When tension has been high for some time the joints of the cervical spine and the surrounding muscles, ligaments and capsules become quite inflamed. Using the therapeutic ultrasound over the neck area, not only offers anti-inflammatory effects, it also helps to reduce pain and speed up the recovery of the delicate tissues in the area for long term relief.
PlantEm Essentials FixEm Anti-Inflammatory: Inflammation is a major contributor to headaches and head pain. Taking this whole food, plant based powder is a great, natural way to help eliminate excessive inflammation from your body to assist in alleviating headaches.
Aromatherapy: Use essential oils blends like the Dr Kez Headache blend where the ingredients have been specifically chosen to assist with the relief of headaches. Two of the essential oils included in our headache blend which are ideal for releasing tension are roman chamomile and rose geranium.
Stretching: Regular neck and shoulder stretches can help prevent muscle tension. Especially if you spend a lot of time looking down at a laptop or your phone throughout the day.Hydration: Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, a common trigger for tension headaches.

Cervicogenic headaches originate from issues in the cervical spine (neck). Pain is usually on one side of the head and may radiate from the back of the head all the way through to the front. They are often accompanied by neck pain and stiffness and lack of mobility of the neck.
Neck injuries
- Poor posture
- Cervical spine disorders
- Arthritis in the cervical region
Natural Solutions:

Chiropractic Care: Spinal manipulation can address cervical spine issues and reduce headache frequency.
Dry Needling: Relieving the tension in the muscles surrounding the dysfunctional joints causing cervicogenic headaches can make the world of difference to how quickly the headache is resolved. The subluxations that cause this type of headaches are heavily effected by the muscles surrounding them, so addressing them in the treatment is extremely important.
Cupping: As mentioned above the tight muscles surrounding the neck can be a strong contributing factor to a cervicogenic headache. To address them from home, the use of an at home Vacuum Cupping set can be the answer to achieving rapid relief and long term prevention of this type of headache. More information on this in the treatment section.
Trio of Creams: Applying the trio of creams to the neck and shoulders is a great way to provide what the body needs to relieve tight muscles, alleviate pain and increase blood flow.
Ultrasound: Subluxations in the cervical spine can cause inflammation in the joints, surrounding muscles, ligaments and capsules that will respond very well to the use of a therapeutic ultrasound. Using the therapeutic ultrasound over the neck area, not only offers anti-inflammatory effects, it also helps to reduce pain and speed up the recovery of the delicate tissues in the area that may also be affected, contributing to the headache.
Acupressure Hat: A specially designed wrap around hat with acupressure spikes to increase blood flow to the scalp, neck and jaw while stimulating the acupressure points of the head, face and neck. Increased blood flow means fewer and less intense headaches.
Acupressure Points: Acupressure points may help alleviate cervicogenic headaches by addressing underlying issues in the neck and improving spinal alignment.
Posture Correction: Use ergonomic furniture and maintain good posture to reduce strain on the neck. This includes lifting your computer monitor to ensure you are not staring down all day.
PlantEm Essentials FixEm Anti-Inflammatory: Inflammation is a major contributor to headaches and head pain. Taking this whole food, plant based powder is a great, natural way to help eliminate excessive inflammation from your body to assist in alleviating headaches.
Aromatherapy: Use essential oils blends like the Dr Kez Headache blend where the ingredients have been specifically chosen to assist with the relief of headaches. Three of the essential oils included in our headache blend which are ideal for reducing inflammation are lavender, lemon myrtle and roman chamomile.
Stretching: Gentle neck stretches and exercises can improve flexibility and reduce tension, improving the function of the joints in the cervical spine. This is great to help alleviate this type of headache and to prevent reoccurrence. It is important to get the joint issues addressed first as putting your neck into the extreme ranges of movement needed for successful stretching is most likely going to aggravate the subluxation if it hasn’t first been addressed by a Chiro.
Alternating Hot and Cold Therapy: Given cervicogenic headaches are joint and muscle related, it is important to alternate between the ice and heat, unless one causes a worsening of your headache then avoid it altogether. For a detailed description of the alternating ice and heat protocol please refer to the treatment section below.

Migraines are severe headaches often accompanied by throbbing pain on one side of the head, with the added symptoms of either nausea, vomiting, double vision, loss of vision on one side, sensitivity to light and/or sound, even sensation or physical changes too, or a combination of these symptoms. Some people experience an aura before a migraine, which includes visual disturbances or tingling sensations. An aura is like a warning that the migraine is on its way.
- Hormonal changes
- Certain foods and drinks
- Stress
- Sensory stimuli (usually an overload of smells, lights or sound - like at a concert or festival)
- Sleep disturbances
- Medications
Natural Solutions:

Chiropractic Care: Spinal adjustments may reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. Helping to improve adequate blood flow assists with the vascular nature of migraines and the adjustments help with the neurological aspect.
Dry Needling: Relieving the tension in the muscles surrounding the head and neck can help to alleviate migraines and prevent their occurrence.
Cupping: Reducing muscles tension increase the flow of blood up to the head and brain, assisting with the alleviation of vascular migraine headaches. This can be done using an at home Vacuum Cupping set. More information on this in the treatment section.
Trio of Creams: Applying the trio of creams to the base of the head, neck and shoulders is a greatly to provide what the body needs to relieve tight muscles, alleviate pain and increase blood flow.
Ultrasound: Inflammation and tissue damage can potentially reduce your tolerance to setting off migraine headaches. A great way to reduce inflammation, pain and improved tissue function is to use the therapeutic ultrasound at home to assist the body to heal the surrounding tissues effectively. Acupressure Hat: A specially designed wrap around hat with acupressure spikes to increase blood flow to the scalp, neck and jaw while stimulating the acupressure points of the head, face and neck. Increased blood flow means fewer and less intense migraines.
Acupressure Points: Acupressure points helps to reduce the frequency and severity of migraines by balancing the body's energy flow and decreasing inflammation.
Stress Release: Being in a frequent state of stress causes our tolerance to be lowered and the frequency of migraines can become more greater. Check out our treatment options below for some stress relieving suggestions.
Dietary Changes: Identify and avoid trigger foods, such as caffeine, alcohol, citrus fruits, chocolate, aged cheese, processed meat, artificial sweeteners, preservatives and/or MSG.
Aromatherapy: Use essential oils blends like the Dr Kez Headache blend where the ingredients have been specifically chosen to assist with the relief of headaches and migraines. One of the essential oils included in our headache blend which is helpful in increasing blood flow and alleviating migraines is peppermint.
PlantEm Essentials FixEm Anti-Inflammatory: Inflammation is a major contributor to headaches and head pain. Taking this whole food, plant based powder is a great, natural way to help eliminate excessive inflammation from your body to assist in alleviating headaches.
Hydration and Sleep: Ensure adequate hydration and maintain a regular sleep schedule.

Hormonal headaches are linked to fluctuations in hormone levels, particularly oestrogen. They often occur in women before or during menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause. The key to distinguishing a hormonal headache from another form of headache is the cyclical nature of them. If you are suffering from headaches monthly and they are always at the same time in your cycle, odds are, it’s a hormonal headache.
- Menstrual cycle
- Pregnancy
- Menopause
- Birth control pills
- Hormone replacement therapy
Natural Solutions:

Chiropractic Care: Although not directly related to the headaches themselves, Chiro adjustments can help balance the body's systems and reduce hormonal headache occurrence.
Acupressure Points: Acupressure points can ease hormonal headaches by regulating hormone levels and alleviating associated symptoms.
Stress Release: The hormonal system is strongly affected by ongoing stress. By reducing stress levels, the energy expended in being on alert in the “fight or flight” mode can be redistributed to your reproductive system, amongst other systems, to maintain a healthy balance.
Acupressure Mat: Laying on an acupressure mat on your tummy (not the conventional way of laying on your back for relaxation), can help to balance your hormones naturally. The kidney, spleen and liver meridians are all located on the front of the body and run down the inside of the legs. By laying on your tummy with your toes pointed outwards can help to stimulate these meridians and restore hormonal balance.
Acupressure Hat: A specially designed wrap around hat with acupressure spikes to increase blood flow to the scalp, neck and jaw while stimulating the acupressure points of the head, face and neck for optimal organ function. Better energy flowing through the meridians means a more balanced hormonal system.
PlantEm Essentials FixEm Anti-Inflammatory: Inflammation is a major contributor to headaches and head pain. Taking this whole food, plant based powder is a great, natural way to help eliminate excessive inflammation from your body to assist in alleviating headaches.
Aromatherapy: Use essential oils blends like the Dr Kez Headache blend where the ingredients have been specifically chosen to assist with the relief of headaches. Three of the essential oils included in our headache blend which are ideal for helping to balance hormones are rose geranium, roman chamomile and lavender.
Regular Exercise: Physical activity can help regulate hormones and reduce stress.

Cluster headaches are extremely painful headaches that occur in cyclical patterns or clusters. They may be there for days in a row and then not again for months. They are characterised by severe, burning pain around one eye, often accompanied by redness, tearing, and nasal congestion. These headaches are extreme, they have even been known to be called suicide headaches due to their extreme intensity.
- Exact cause unknown
- Potential involvement of the hypothalamus (an organ in our brain)
- Triggers include alcohol, strong smells, and certain medications, although sometimes they come on spontaneously with no known trigger
Natural Solutions:

Chiropractic Care: May help reduce the frequency of cluster headache episodes. Having all of your spinal joints functioning free of nervous system interference makes it easier for the body to function optimally.
Acupressure Hat: A specially designed wrap around hat with acupressure spikes to increase blood flow to the scalp, neck and jaw while stimulating the acupressure points of the head, face and neck. Increased blood flow means fewer and less intense headaches.
Acupressure Points: Acupressure points can help manage cluster headaches by providing pain relief and improving overall nervous system function.
Stress Release: Although there is no definitive research confirming that stress causes the outbreak of cluster headaches, it is suggested that reducing stress levels can help. Check out the treatment section below for some suggestions to help reduce stress levels.
Avoid Triggers: Identify and avoid specific triggers, such as alcohol and strong smells.
PlantEm Essentials FixEm Anti-Inflammatory: Inflammation is a major contributor to headaches and head pain. Taking this whole food, plant based powder is a great, natural way to help eliminate excessive inflammation from your body to assist in alleviating headaches.
Aromatherapy: Use essential oils blends like the Dr Kez Headache blend where the ingredients have been specifically chosen to assist with the relief of headaches. Two of the essential oils included in our headache blend which are ideal for alleviating pain are lavender and peppermint.
Oxygen Therapy: Inhaling pure oxygen at the onset of a headache can provide relief. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has become a more accessible modality of recent times, involving laying or sitting in a high pressure, high oxygen environment for healing purposes.

Sinus headaches are associated with inflammation and congestion in the sinus cavities, causing pain and pressure in the forehead, cheeks, and around the eyes. They often occur alongside sinusitis.
- Sinus infections
- Allergies
- Nasal polyps
- Upper respiratory infections
- Overuse of sinus medication (especially nasal sprays)
Natural Solutions:

Chiropractic Care: Adjustments of the neck, cranials and facial bones can improve sinus drainage and reduce inflammation. At Life Balance Adjustments we also do a sinus release massage, which includes acupressure points and needling if required, after correcting the cranial pressure to speed up sinus drainage.
Dry Needling: Relieving the tension in the muscles surrounding the face, head and neck can help to alleviate the tension on the facial bones that make up the sinus and nasal cavities.
Acupressure Hat: A specially designed wrap around hat with acupressure spikes to increase blood flow to the scalp, neck and jaw while stimulating the acupressure points of the head, face and neck. Increased blood flow results in better functioning sinuses.
Acupressure Points: Acupressure points can relieve sinus headaches by reducing sinus inflammation and promoting better sinus drainage.
Steam Inhalation: Inhale steam to open up nasal passages and reduce congestion. Steam makes the mucous less viscous and sticky, making it easier to get out of the sinus, nasal and ear cavities.
Cupping: Using a small cup across the sinuses, starting from the nose and sliding towards the ear over the cheek bone, can significantly relieve sinus pain. Doing this after using steam is particularly beneficial. Reducing muscles tension in the neck will also help to relieve the pressure leading into the cranial and facial bones, alleviating sinus issues.
Ultrasound: Using the ultrasound for just 1 minute over each cheek bone can reduce inflammation and therefore sinus pain. It also helps to make the mucous less viscous and easier to drain. A win-win all around. If you also have the cupping set at home, do cupping first and then finish with the ultrasound, followed by applying the Bone Aid Relief and Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion after wiping off the gel.
Trio of Creams: Applying the trio of creams to the neck and shoulders can provide the body with the building blocks it needs to relieve tight muscles, and take pressure off the cranials, which will influence the pressure in the sinuses to alleviate pain. The Bone Aid Relief Cream and the Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion can be applied directly to the painful sinuses as well.
Hydration: Drink plenty of fluids to thin mucus and promote drainage.
PlantEm Essentials FixEm Anti-Inflammatory: Inflammation is a major contributor to headaches and head pain. Taking this whole food, plant based powder is a great, natural way to help eliminate excessive inflammation from your body to assist in alleviating headaches.
Aromatherapy: Use essential oils blends like Dr Kez Sinus where the ingredients have been specifically chosen for healing the nasal and sinus mucosal cells, reduce viscosity of mucous and opening the airways, to relieve sinus congestion.
Click on the video below to learn how to do a sinus massage at home to relieve sinus congestion and ease sinus headaches.

Rebound headaches, or medication-overuse headaches, occur from the overuse of pain medications. They often present as a daily or near-daily headache that can vary in intensity.
- Overuse of pain relief medications (e.g. Aspirin, Panadol, Triptans, Opioids, ibuprofen, nasal decongestants like Sudafed etc.)
- Regular use of headache medications of more than 10-15 days in a month
Natural Solutions:

Chiropractic Care: Adjustments can help manage the biomechanical issue that caused the headache in the first place, reducing the need for medication.
Cupping: Using the at home cupping set to reduce the overall tension in your neck and shoulders can help to reduce the original cause of the headache that required medication in the first place and can increase blood flow.
Ultrasound: Inflammation due to the tissue damage can lead to ongoing headaches of varying types. Using the therapeutic ultrasound to reduce the inflammation and help to heal the tissue damage will help to eliminate the headache, reducing the need for ongoing medication.
Trio of Creams: Applying the trio of creams to the neck and shoulders can provide the body with the building blocks it needs to relieve tight muscles, reduce inflammation and improve blood flow. Normalising the bone and soft tissue structures of the neck can make the world of difference to headaches.
4 in 1 TENS Machine: When unrelenting head pain is causing you to take frequent medication a TENS machine may be able to help break the pain cycle. Use the electrode pads on the back of the neck to help distract from the constant head pain. Please note: Do not put the electrode pads on the head or scalp directly.
Acupressure Hat: A specially designed wrap around hat with acupressure spikes to increase blood flow to the scalp, neck and jaw while stimulating the acupressure points of the head, face and neck. Increased blood flow means fewer and less intense headaches.
Acupressure Points: Acupressure points may help reduce rebound headaches by addressing the root cause of pain and reducing the need to take any more medication, allowing the body to reduce its dependency.
Gradual Reduction: Slowly taper off pain medications under medical supervision.
Stress Release: There is a clear link between stress and how it causes physical tension in our body. This physical tension contributes to headaches in a large number of people. Check out the treatment options section below for some suggestions on how to relieve stress naturally.
Hydration: Maintain adequate hydration to assist the body to eliminate the excess medication from your body.
PlantEm Essentials FixEm Anti-Inflammatory: Inflammation is a major contributor to headaches and head pain. Taking this whole food, plant based powder is a great, natural way to help eliminate excessive inflammation from your body to assist in alleviating headaches.
PlantEm Essentials CleanEm Detox: Supports the liver to detoxify excess medications and clear them out of your system to stop the headaches faster
Aromatherapy: Use essential oils blends like the Dr Kez Headache blend where the ingredients have been specifically chosen to assist with the relief of headaches. Two of the essential oils included in our headache blend which are ideal for uplifting mood to help deal with the ongoing nature of rebound headaches are lemon myrtle and rose geranium.

Other types of headaches include those caused by physical exertion, dehydration, high blood pressure, or specific medical conditions. Each type has its unique presentation and triggers.
- Physical exertion
- Dehydration
- High blood pressure
- Medical conditions (e.g., tumors, infections)
Natural Solutions:

Chiropractic Care: Regular adjustments can help manage headaches and head pain and address underlying issues to eliminate the root cause to ensure your body functions optimally.
Acupressure Hat: A specially designed wrap around hat with acupressure spikes to increase blood flow to the scalp, neck and jaw while stimulating the acupressure points of the head, face and neck. Increased blood flow means fewer and less intense headaches.
Acupressure Points: Depending on the headache type, different points can help alleviate headaches and improve energy flowing into the scalp and head area. See the treatment section below for an example of the acupressure points that can be helpful in reducing and eliminating headaches.
Cupping: Using the home cupping set at home helps to reduce the overall tension in your neck and shoulders can help to reduce many different types of headaches. Increasing the blood flow to the head, neck and scalp helps to eliminate headaches altogether.
Ultrasound: Inflammation due to the tissue damage can lead to ongoing headaches of varying types. Using the therapeutic ultrasound to reduce the inflammation and help to heal the tissue damage will help to eliminate many different types of headaches.
Trio of Creams: Applying the trio of creams to the neck and shoulders can provide the body with the building blocks it needs to relieve tight muscles, reduce inflammation and improve blood flow. Normalising the bone and soft tissue structures of the neck can make the world of difference to headaches.
4 in 1 TENS Machine: When experiencing unrelenting head pain a TENS machine is a great, drug-free way to help break the pain cycle. Use the electrode pads on the back of the neck to help distract from the constant head pain. Please note: Do not put the electrode pads on the head or scalp directly.
Hydration: Ensure adequate water intake to prevent dehydration-related headaches.
Stress Release: There is a clear link between stress and how it causes physical tension in our body. This physical tension contributes to headaches in a large number of people. Check out the treatment options section below for some suggestions on how to relieve stress naturally.
Lifestyle Changes: Address underlying medical conditions, reduce stress, eat healthy, non-inflammatory foods, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
PlantEm Essentials FixEm Anti-Inflammatory: Inflammation is a major contributor to headaches and head pain. Taking this whole food, plant based powder is a great, natural way to help eliminate excessive inflammation from your body to assist in alleviating headaches.
PlantEm Essentials CleanEm Detox: Toxicity produces headaches, so being able to support the liver to clear toxicity from the blood stream is a great way to eliminate headaches. The beetroot in CleanEm Detox is also very high in nitric oxide which is great for reducing the pressure in the blood vessels, decreasing blood pressure.
Aromatherapy: Use essential oils blends like the Dr Kez Headache blend where the ingredients have been specifically chosen to assist with the relief of headaches. Two of the essential oils included in our headache blend which are ideal for calming and relaxing the body and assisting with sleep are lavender and rose geranium.
By incorporating these natural solutions into daily routines, individuals can often find relief from various types of headaches and improve their overall well-being.

Detailed Natural Treatments for Headaches

Chiropractic care involves adjustments of the spine to improve spinal alignment and function. At Life Balance Adjustments we also put a strong emphasis on the muscles and fascia around the joints as well to ensure a long lasting result. Adjusting the spine, shoulder blades, ribs and cranials allows for unhindered blood flow, removal of tension and decreased inflammation, all of which can cause headaches if left unresolved. Chiro treatment can be particularly helpful to alleviate tension and cervicogenic headaches by reducing muscle tension and improving blood flow. Regular chiropractic adjustments can also help manage the frequency and intensity of migraines and cluster headaches, as well as helping to balance hormones and therefore prevent hormonal headaches.
How it works:
- Adjustments realign the spine, relieving pressure on nerves and reducing muscle tension.
- Improves circulation and promotes natural healing processes.
- Enhances overall nervous system function, which can reduce headache frequency.

Using a vacuum cupping set can help to break down muscle adhesions and release tension around the neck and shoulders to enhance blood flow and ensure optimal postural balance. Poor circulation can certainly lead to headaches and migraines, making cupping a great modality to use to eliminate this problem. Poor balance of muscles in your neck can also increase the likelihood of headaches and migraines as it can lead to postures that stress the neck joints and result in the head being held too far forward, which significantly increases the tension in the muscles to keep it upright. Relieving the tension using cupping in the neck and shoulder muscles can improve this postural imbalance, allowing the head to sit in a better ergonomic position over the cervical spine rather than in front of it, greatly helping to get rid of headaches and migraines naturally.
The best thing about this set is it is simple and easy to use at home. Giving you professional results in your own home and for a fraction of the cost of seeing a practitioner. Using cupping on your neck and shoulders for headaches is easier than you realise and gives great relief.

The therapeutic ultrasound has been used for decades in clinical practice for enhancing recovery of ailments and injuries by Physio’s and Chiro’s and the like. The high frequency sound waves have an affect on the cells under the surface of the skin, enhancing the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Assisting cellular healing using the therapeutic ultrasound can help us go back to living a headache free life faster. Given that the structures of the neck and face (including sinuses and TMJ) can be a contributing factor to headaches, using the therapeutic ultrasound in these areas can be very helpful in your quest to reading the frequency and intensity of headaches, and even helping to eradicate them altogether. The beauty of our little device is that it is compact and very easy to use at home, saving you time and money. The Dr Kez Chirolab Therapeutic Ultrasound may be the answer you’ve been looking for to take control of these headaches and achieve results that may have otherwise been completely out of reach.

Simply place the gel onto the silver treatment head, turn on the device and press the green UP button three times to select the pulsed setting and then apply to the trouble area by keeping the device moving at all times. Little circles is the easiest way to go. Please note that the treatment area that will get the best results for headaches includes the neck, jaw (TMJ) and/or sinuses. There is no need to use the device directly over the headache, as the problem area is usually remote to the area of headache. To enhance the anti-inflammatory and pain relieving effect, you can apply the Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion and Bone Aid Relief Cream over the treatment area first, before using the gel and ultrasound. The ultrasound will drive the active ingredients deep below the surface of the skin to provide the powerful healing benefits right where they are needed the most.

Kirofix® Injury Relief Lotion / Trauma Relief Cream – these two products are one and the same, they just come in different sizes. The active ingredients provide the building blocks for all soft tissues, ligaments, tendons, muscles, capsules, cartilage, discs and bursae. Given neck and jaw issues can result in headaches, using either of these products in the neck, shoulder, sinus and/or jaw areas can significantly improve a variety of different types of headaches by helping the body to reduce inflammation and therefore pain.
Bone Aid Relief Cream – the active ingredients assist the body with healing bone, joint and nerve damage. Whether it's a broken bone, bone bruising, a bone spur, nerve pain or neuropathy, bone aid relief has it all under control. It is extremely helpful in reducing pain as well as providing the building blocks for bone and nerve repair, making a necessary inclusion for painful headaches and migraines. Both this and the Kirofix® can be applied before using the therapeutic ultrasound for even better results.
Heativate® Relief Cream – the active ingredients in this orange tinged cream have been specifically chosen to increase circulation. Increasing circulation is pertinent to help relieve headaches, which are often caused by a lack of blood flow up and into the head, scalp and facial area. Heativate® Relief Cream is also fantastic for relieving muscle tension, which is a significant contributing factor to cervicogenic and tension type headaches. Layering the creams one after the other allows for the active ingredients of Kirofix® and Bone Aid Relief Cream to be transported deep into the trouble area with the increased circulation brought about by Heativate®. A very powerful combination.

The acupressure hat is designed to bring the benefits of an acupressure mat to the head, neck and jaw area. This uniquely designed wrap around hat, allows for stimulation of the pressure points in the head, neck and jaw, bringing blood flow and helping to eliminate tension and remove lactic acid, the waste product of muscle contraction. The velcro chin strap allows the wearer to vary the compression of the spikes to tailor the experience individually. Worn at the time of a headache helps to reduce tension, release endorphins and significantly increase blood flow, all of which are ideal for relieving the pain of a headache or migraine, as well as addressing the causative factors. An application of up to 10 minutes is usually all that is required to have the desired effect of eliminating headaches and migraines. The more the acupressure hat is used, the more it works to reduce the build up of tension that triggers headaches, having a preventative effect, reducing the frequency of headaches in the future.
Such a simple, drug free way to eliminate headaches and migraines and reduce the need for pain medication, because as we’ve read earlier, rebound headaches can be caused by an excessive use of pain medication. This is a real catch 22, whereby the treatment of taking pain medication can end up being the cause of the headaches becoming ongoing.

Although the acupressure mat isn’t specifically touching the areas of the head and scalp that are experiencing the headaches, bringing blood flow to the spine, shoulders and neck, can help to reduce the tension and potential postural contribution to headaches. Spending 20 minutes laying on the acupressure mat on your back with the D-shaped pillow under your neck can bring about significant relaxation and blood flow, helping to release tension and eradicate headaches. There are so many benefits to your spinal health, mental health and overall general health by using an acupressure mat regularly, that I can’t recommend them highly enough. For example, laying on the acupressure mat on your tummy, can stimulate the liver, kidney and spleen meridian, which can help to balance your hormones, which can also contribute to headaches. We have done videos on how to use the acupressure mat to help reduce blood pressure, boost your immune system, detoxify your body and eliminate fluid naturally.
Click on the pic below to find the blog to reveal the links to the videos on other ways to use the acupressure mat for healing.

Although there are 4 whole food powders in our PlantEm Essentials range, the two that we prescribe to help with headaches and migraines are the CleanEm Detox and the FixEm Anti-Inflammatory. Detoxifying the liver using the CleanEm Detox dramatically helps your body to remove toxins from your system which would otherwise lead to headaches and lower the threshold to trigger migraines. As we have seen in the above description of the various types of headaches that we have covered in this conditions page, the vast majority of them involve inflammation and respond very well to the FixEm Anti-Inflammatory.
All 4 of our Plant Em Essentials powders are 100% whole foods, with no fillers, colours or preservatives. Simply add them to water to hydrate them, and down the hatch! If you’re finding your headaches and migraines are causing an issue with your sleep and energy, you may want to check out our NourishEm Greens powder. Likewise, if you’re having digestive issues, which can lead to toxic material not being eliminated from your body efficiently, resulting in more toxicity and headaches, check out our FeedEm Prebiotics.
To find out more on any of the PlantEm Essentials Whole Food Powders click the image above.

As we have established throughout this page, tension in the neck can significantly increase the chance of experiencing a headache. Using a TENS machine to reduce the discomfort in the neck and shoulder area can be a welcomed relief to the headaches they create. Having said that, the most important thing to share about this 4 in 1 device for reducing headaches is actually the Russian Training Mode feature. Placing the electrodes between the shoulder blades and the spine on both sides and selecting the Russian Training Mode can help eliminate the postural imbalance that can lead to forward neck posture that frequently triggers headaches. When the posture is imbalanced the muscles of the neck have to work extra hard to prevent the head from falling forwards, creating more tension in the muscles and triggering pain associated with the nerves that may travel through or close to these tight muscles. Bringing the posture back into balance by using the Russian Training Mode can be the difference between regular headaches and no headaches.
When experiencing unrelenting head pain a TENS machine is a great, drug-free way to help break the pain cycle. Use the electrode pads on the back of the neck to help distract from the constant head pain. Please note: Do not put the electrode pads on the head or scalp directly.
For more information of how our 4 in 1 TENS machine works and the other features of this amazing machine, click HERE.

Aromatherapy offers significant benefits for headache relief, utilising the concentrated powerpacks of plants known as essential oils. These potent extracts, such as peppermint, lavender, and eucalyptus oils, contain powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. When inhaled or applied topically, essential oils can help alleviate headache symptoms by reducing tension, improving circulation, and promoting relaxation. The natural compounds in these oils work synergistically to soothe the mind and body, providing a holistic approach to managing headaches without the side effects of conventional medications. Aromatherapy thus stands out as an effective, natural remedy for those seeking relief from headache pain.
When using the pure essential oils in a diffuser the benefit is gained through the olfactory (smelling) system, which can affect the limbic (emotional) system, altering mood and stress levels. When used topically through a roll on, which in the case of our roll on’s has been carefully diluted to therapeutic, yet safe skin levels, to also have an effect transdermally, (through the skin), so you are getting the benefits through your sense of smell as well as being absorbed into your body via the skin. The other benefit about using the roll on, is they can be used to stimulate acupressure points to further enhance the therapeutic value. Check out the key acupressure points below to get even more out of your efforts.

Acupressure involves applying pressure to specific points on the body found along the Traditional Chinese Medicine Meridians. Applying pressure to these points can help to revitalise the energy through these meridians which can positively affect the organs and systems they represent, enhancing overall health and well-being. It can be an effective self-care technique for relieving various types of headaches.
Key Points:

LI4 (Hegu)
Located between the thumb and index finger. Apply firm pressure for 1-2 minutes. It may help alleviate general headaches, cluster headaches and migraine pain.

GB20 (Fengchi)
Located at the base of the skull, in the hollows on either side of the neck. Apply gentle pressure in a circular motion for 1-2 minutes. Effective in alleviating cervicogenic and cluster headache pain.

LV3 (Taichong)
Located on the top of the foot, in the webbing between the big toe and second toe. Apply firm pressure for 1-2 minutes. Great for hormonal headaches.

PC6 (Neiguan)
Located on the inner forearm, about three finger-widths below the wrist. Apply firm pressure for 1-2 minutes. Effective in alleviating migraine headaches.

LI20 (Yingxiang)
Located on either side of the nose. Apply firm pressure of 1-2 minutes. Helps to relieve sinus pressure.
How it works:
- Stimulates the body’s natural pain-relieving mechanisms.
- Promotes relaxation and reduces muscle tension.
- Enhances blood flow and circulation.
- Enhances energy flow to the organ and system related to the meridian it relates to.

Acupressure Mats: Acupressure mats are designed with small plastic spikes that stimulate pressure points on the body. Lying on an acupressure mat for 20-40 minutes releases endorphins, the feel good hormones, and the increased blood flow alleviates muscles tension and encourages full body relaxation. The tension and stress relief helps to reduce headache intensity and frequency. For more information on the Acupressure Mat scroll up higher. Such versatility in this prickly mat for enhancing overall health, not just eliminating headaches and enhancing spinal health.

Meditation: Meditation can help manage stress, a common trigger for headaches. Regular practice of mindfulness meditation or guided meditation can reduce the frequency and severity of headaches by promoting relaxation and mental clarity. If you’re new to meditation listening to a guided meditation is the best place to start. Clearing your mind of all thoughts is extremely difficult and take an enormous amount of practice, some say they just can’t master it, so listening to a voice that guides you through a meditation is much easier to follow. To check out our guided mediation range, click HERE.

Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy uses essential oils to promote well-being and relaxation. Aromatherapy works in two ways, one through the olfactory system (sense of smell) and the other can be gained transdermally, through topical application. It is important to note that pure essential oils should not be used on the skin undiluted, they are too potent. Our roll on range has 100% pure essential oils diluted to the highest safe level in jojoba oil, which is the carrier oil that is the closest match to the natural oils in our skin. This means it transports the therapeutic benefits of the essential oils through the skin and into our body for most effective results. Using the Headache roller on the acupressure points above is a great way to achieve multi-modality healing.
For more stress reducing tips check out our blog HERE.

Regular stretching and specific exercises can help alleviate muscle tension and improve posture, reducing the frequency and intensity of headaches.
Neck and Shoulder Stretches:

Neck Tilts: Slowly tilt your head toward each shoulder, using the hand on the same side further pull the head towards the shoulder and hold for 15-30 seconds on each side.
Neck Flexion and Extension: Gently flex and extend your neck all the way, holding each position for a few seconds.
Chin Tucks: Gently tuck your chin toward your chest, holding for a few seconds and then releasing. This can be done sitting or laying on the bed or floor. Imagine flattening your neck as you do it.
Strengthening Exercises:

Shoulder Shrugs: Lift your shoulders toward your ears and hold for a few seconds, then release. This can be further enhanced by pulling on the resistance bands while you do it.
Scapular Squeezes: Squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold for 5-10 seconds. Do this while holding the resistance bands for faster results.
Posture Correction: Practice sitting and standing with your spine aligned and shoulders back. Sometimes getting someone to take a photo of you can be helpful to identify what needs to change to create an ideal posture.

Applying ice to the neck helps to reduce inflammation in your joint, and when you alternate to a heat pack, the muscles release and relax as blood flow is increased. A very powerful combination when used in an alternating fashion.

Heat Therapy: Applying heat can relax tense muscles and improve blood flow, particularly useful for tension and cervicogenic headaches.
Warm Compress: Apply a warm towel or heating pad to the neck and shoulders or heat up the eye mask in the microwave.Warm Bath: Soak in a warm bath with SOulSoak to relax muscles and relieve pain.

Cold Therapy: Cold therapy can numb the pain and reduce inflammation, particularly helpful for migraines and cluster headaches.
Cold Pack: Apply a cold eye mask over the eyes, or a cold pack to the forehead, temples, or back of the neck.Ice Massage: Gently massage the temples with an ice cube wrapped in a cloth.
If you’re unsure of whether to use heat or ice, check out the Wrap-On-Ice page HERE as it has a video with some hot tips, that will cool your curiosity 😉

Engaging in regular physical activity can help reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches by promoting overall health and well-being. Exercise helps to increase your circulation and improve the effectiveness of your lymphatic system. A toxic, blocked up lymphatic system can lead to headaches, just as a much as a lack of blood flow. Exercise is a great way to address both of these common causes of headaches.
Exercise Recommendations:
- Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise, such as walking, cycling, or swimming, most days of the week.
- Include a mix of aerobic, strength, and flexibility exercises.
- Practice yoga or tai chi for a combination of physical activity and stress relief.
By incorporating these natural treatments into your routine, you can effectively manage and reduce the frequency of various types of headaches. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment, especially if you have underlying health conditions.

Adequate hydration and a balanced diet play a crucial role in preventing headaches.
- Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily.
- Avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol, which can lead to dehydration.
Dietary Adjustments:
- Identify and avoid trigger foods, such as chocolate, cheese, processed meats, and artificial sweeteners.
- Incorporate anti-inflammatory foods, such as leafy greens, nuts, and seeds.
- Maintain regular meal times to prevent blood sugar fluctuations. (For more information on maintaining healthy blood sugar levels check out our eBook by clicking the image to the left)