How Trauma Relief Cream Was Created!
Trauma Relief Cream
Dr. Kez has been working as a Chiro for over 20 years and very early on in her career, she witnessed the benefits of prescribing specific products to assist the body in healing soft tissue injuries. The recovery rates on patients using products like arnica for bruising and swelling, and magnesium for relaxing tight muscles as well as having their adjustment, were much faster than when they used to receive an adjustment alone. The trouble was there was nothing available on the market that combined all the beneficial active ingredients into one product.
Trauma Relief Cream with Active Ingredients
With her intricate knowledge of the human body and the pathophysiology of injuries, Dr. Kez got to work researching the best natural products that could address all of the aspects of soft tissue injuries, including the micro-damage that occurs in the vessels, tendons, muscles, ligaments, bursae, joint capsules and articular cartilages. Dr Kez wanted a product that would deal with the inflammatory aspect of injuries, as well as providing the building blocks the body requires to heal the damage that occurs in chronic ongoing conditions as well as acute injuries to make healing faster, as well as giving the body the opportunity to build back stronger and more completely. After much research and testing on herself, her wife and then her wider patient base, Trauma Relief Cream was born.
bursitis, tendonitis, muscle tears and even joint degeneration conditions like arthritis. source all of the active ingredients that she had found to be beneficial for the various aspects of soft tissue healing and combined them to make what we now know to be
Trauma Relief Cream combines powerful herbs like arnica to reduce inflammation and bruising, yarrow for its great benefits in reducing the pain of arthritic joints, minerals like magnesium for complete muscle recovery, glucosamine for it's incredible joint support, and well as 6 pure plant extracts including Kunzea, Bergamot, Ginger, Clary Sage, Lemongrass and Vetiver to potently enhance the anti-inflammatory effect, pain relieving effect and their positive effects on joints and muscles! This product has now been used for over 10 years in clinical practice on Dr. Kez’s patients and the results have been amazing! 🥰
Trauma Relief Cream for Sale
Dr. Kez’s patients could undeniably feel the difference in their recovery when Trauma Relief Cream applied during their treatments, but they wanted to be able to use it at home in between treatments. We are embarrassed to say that initially, Dr. Kez was sending small amounts home with patients in a urine specimen jar to begin with (at least it was a sterile container 😉 )……..crazy right!?!? We eventually began packaging Trauma Relief Cream up for purchase, but only for our current patient base. This was going really well, with patients buying for themselves and even family and friends that were too far away to visit the clinic.
When the pandemic hit in 2020, we made the decision to make our products available online. Along with sharing a large number of self-help videos on FB, Instagram, and YouTube, we wanted to do anything that we could to help people, isolated at home, deal with their aches and pains during a time where most people felt that visiting practitioners was reserved to those in emergency situations. We were completely blown away with the amazing feedback that we were receiving from our online community for a wide variety of conditions, including tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, trochanteric bursitis, frozen shoulder, knee pain, sprained ankles, Achilles tendonitis, arthritis and of course neck and back pain.
Dr Kez and Em really felt that they had helped people during this difficult time to deal with ailments and injuries while being stuck in isolation without other options, what happened next was very interesting 🤔 Once the pandemic restrictions lifted and people were allowed to visit their health practitioners again, we started getting a different type of feedback. Those who had Trauma Relief Cream continued to use it at home in between their visits with their Chiro's, Osteo's and Physio's and reported that it allowed them to go longer in between visits with their practitioners and they felt their results were faster than previously experienced without the addition of the addition of their Trauma Relief Cream. This makes sense, as the active ingredients are specifically designed to provide the building blocks for soft tissue repair.
When we made Trauma Relief Cream available online and demand increased, we needed to move to a manufacturing company because poor Em was developing RSI from all of the stirring. Needless to say she would apply the remnants of the cream to here sore bits after our days of production 😆 One thing that we discovered when moving to professional manufacturing was that our cream had significantly more active ingredients in it than any other on the market. The manufacturer told us that we could significantly lower the amount of active ingredients and still get a quality product, but we declined. We boast that our Trauma Relief Cream has the highest percentage of active ingredients possible giving you more bang for your buck!!! In fact, if we included any more the cream would separate and not remain bound together, trust me, we tried! So not only have we produced a product that has active ingredients specifically selected a Chiropractor with over 20 years of knowledges and experience into injuries and ailments and what is required for complete and fast recovery, but we have totally maxed them out for even better results, to help you on your therapeutic journey 💪
If you value keeping your body physically fit and active, Trauma Relief Cream will make a very valuable addition to your health care regime. From little achy niggles that have been hanging around for ages, all the way through to acute severe injuries like tears, sprains and strains, Trauma Relief Cream should be your first line of healing defence.