Blog News– Dr Kez Chirolab

  • Dr Kez ChiroLab Spine Blog Lower back Upper Back and Neck pain

    Taking Care of your whole Spine - Naturally!

    If there's one thing that can really ruin your day, it's a back condition. Suddenly you can't sit down, you can't stand up, and you definitely can't twerk. And let's be real, the spine is kind of a big deal - it's the highway that connects your brain to the rest of your body, and if there's a traffic jam, you're in for some serious pain. But luckily, there are natural remedies that can help. So if you're tired of feeling like you're carrying a sack of potatoes on your back, let's dive into some tips, on all of the areas of the spine shall we?

  • Dr Kez ChiroLab headaches migraines natural

    How to treat Headaches and Migraines at home naturally!

    Headaches and migraines can come in various forms, but they all have something in common, they’re a real buzzkill. One minute, you're feeling great, and the next, you’ve got a throbbing pain in your head that just won’t quit. But fear not, this blog goes through natural solutions that can help alleviate the pain and prevent future episodes.  We discuss acupressure points, stretches and various other natural ways to conquer these dreaded headaches and migraines.  So try some of these natural solutions to kick headaches to the curb!

  • Dr Kez ChiroLab Colour Therapy Chromotherapy how it affects your mood and health

    Colour therapy (chromotherapy) and how it can affect our mood and health.

    Chromotherapy is based on the theory that different colours have unique vibrational frequencies that can affect the energy and vibration within the human body. By exposing ourselves to certain colours, practitioners believe that we can balance our energy and promote healing in the body and mind. This blog talks about how mood can be affected by the different colours we wear and and how we can use light therapy to affect our health. Chromotherapy in infrared saunas is also discussed as a way to treat yourself with different light wave frequencies to further enhance the health benefits of your sauna session. 

  • Raising Vibrational Frequency Naturally - Dr Kez Chirolab

    Raising Vibrational Frequency Naturally

    Humans are vibrational beings and we are affected by the frequency of other vibrating things in our vicinity.  When we vibrate at a high frequency we are healthy and happy.  When we vibrate at a low frequency we can be sad, mad and angry and we are likely to be sick.  This blog shares some tips on how to raise your vibrational frequency naturally to help elevate your mood and overall health.
  • Dr Kez ChiroLab Heart Health Blog Pic

    The heart muscle - how to keep it healthy

    If the facts about the heart found in this blog don’t have you in awe of what this incredible organ does for your body, nothing will ever impress you.  This article shares ten interesting facts about the heart and top tips for keeping it healthy, including getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, and reducing stress. After reading this blog it will become easy to see how all of these things interrelate to giving your heart the best fighting chance of keeping up with the 100,000 beats per day that is needed to pump enough blood to our entire body.  Don’t miss Dr Kez’s simple tip for getting the blood pumping at home.
  • Dr Kez ChiroLab Preventative Care Health awareness

    Preventative Care and Health Awareness from a slightly different perspective

    Dr. Kez ChiroLab focuses on healing from various ailments, and this blog emphasises preventive care and health awareness. Maintaining a healthy body is crucial, with stretching, keeping the body active, and taking steps to prevent health issues as the key. We focus on incorporating healthy behaviours into your daily life, so that you can prevent the ailments that have afflicted our grandparents and maybe even our parents already.  This blog encourages us to take every opportunity, including house cleaning, as a way to keep our body’s healthy.  We also explore the importance of heathy eating, sleep and stress reduction as well as the benefits of using the infrared sauna.  

  • Dr Kez ChiroLab Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Myalgic Encephalitis Fibromyalgia Manage at home

    Fibromylagia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome explained with some tips to help manage these conditions at home

    This blog post provides an overview of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, two conditions that are known for causing debilitating pain and exhaustion. The causes of these conditions are not yet fully understood, but researchers believe that they may be related to chemical imbalances, immune system problems, hormonal imbalances, and viral infections. The post goes on to provide some natural tips to help manage the symptoms of Fibromyalgia and CFS, including exercise, Graded Exercise Therapy (GET), sleep, diet, and replenishing nutrients. The author recommends taking a hot SOulSoak RECOVER bath as a quick way to introduce essential elements and minerals into the body, which can help improve overall functioning and energy levels.

  • Dr Kez ChiroLab Self Care Life Balance

    The importance of self care and a balanced life

    Self-care is the practice of taking deliberate actions to maintain or improve one's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In this blog we discuss some tips on how to help help practice self care including, learning to prioritise self, maintain good life balance, putting yourself first and doing all of this free of the guilt that so many of us carry when men considering practicing self care.  The truth is that it’s essential for good health and living a fulfilling life. Making self-care a priority can do wonders for your mental health and overall well-being. So don't wait, start prioritising yourself today!

  • Dr Kez ChiroLab Irritable Bowel Disease Inflammatory Ulcerative colitis Crohn's Disease

    What is Inflammatory Bowel Disease and how can we help manage it naturally?

    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the digestive system. The immune system attacks the lining of the digestive tract, causing inflammation and a range of uncomfortable symptoms like stomach cramps and pain, diarrhoea, frequent and urgent trips to the bathroom, rectal bleeding, weight loss, and fatigue.  We discuss the difference between ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease and some natural home help tips that can help to ease the symptoms of IBS, covering a discussion on diet, including FODMAP, PlantEm Essentials range for reducing inflammation and improving gut health and using an acupressure mat and meditation to help reduce stress and some endorphin releasing exercise.