Blog News– Dr Kez Chirolab
In the video This device is exactly what Dr Kez uses in her clinical treatment to treat dislocated biceps, tendonitis, and trochanteric bursitis. It is used to treat torn hamstrings, tennis and golfer's elbow, and rib issues in the middle back....
Do you want to get your B!tch off? An amazingly beautiful smelling infusion of herbs, vitamins, minerals and 100% essential oils, all specifically chosen for their hormone balancing properties. Mood Swings, PMS, Irregular Cycles, Emotional Instability, Menopause, Hot Flushes, Acne In...
How to use your Acupressure Mat to help get rid of excess fluid from your body.
Aloe Vera, turmeric, lavender, and other medicinal plants have been used since ancient times. Natural remedies are rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients, and healing compounds. Some have the ability to reduce pain and inflammation, while others support brain function and relieve...
A challenging case of hip pain that had the emergency department doctors at a loss. An unusual cause that if left much longer could have had dire consequences for this 6 year old boy!
Plantar Fasciitis Extremely Common Condition An interesting case of plantar fasciitis presented last week that is quite different to what I normally see in clinical practice. Plantar Fasciitis is an extremely common condition, we see multiple cases every week and generally...
Growing pains are a real thing, but it is extremely important to know the difference between harmless growing pains and other more sinister conditions that can present in a similar way in children.
Yoga is a fantastic way to increase the blood flow within your body. When stress hormones are active within the body, the blood flows away from the torso. These yoga poses help direct blood flow back to your torso and brain, allowing you to re-centre and bring the zen back into your temple!
We all want our kids to be active, but when something like Sever's Disease makes it too painful for them to participate in sport, it's heartbreaking. Check out this case study on a 12-year-old boy for some tips on healing this condition faster.